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Holy Spirit leads us to the truth. He’s the very mind of God, available to us at all times because He lives within us when we choose to follow Jesus Christ. Amazing grace! Don’t let the light of Holy Spirit go out! {tweetme}He is the voice that’s asking us to do what’s right instead of what’s easy—that is Holy Spirit.{/tweetme}
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Let’s pray for the attributes of Holy Spirit within us to be evident in our workplaces, our friendships, relationships, our marriages, and our families. Because of God’s deep love for each of His people, He is reminding us of our need to daily pursue Godliness by asking Holy Spirit to help us to “become” each of these characteristics of what, I’m still learning, is Jesus Christ’s way.
{tweetme}Let’s pray for the attributes of Holy Spirit within us to be evident in our workplaces, our friendships, relationships, our marriages, and our families.{/tweetme}
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It’s the goodness of God that leads us, sinners, to repentance - it’s the goodness of God that is a lifeline that draws us out of the darkness and literally pulls us toward the light, removing the noise and teaching us the gift of kindness in how we treat others with ways of love, grace and mercy.
{tweetme}It’s the goodness of God that leads us, sinners, to repentance.{/tweetme}
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Imagine you’ve been invited to share in someone’s special occasion and there is a long, beautifully prepared table where everyone has a seat. You find your name card and sit between people you’ve never met before. After some awkward introductions, a bread basket is passed around. Soon, laughter and easy conversation flow. It’s odd: Even though you’ve just met them, no one here feels like a stranger.
This is the kingdom of God at work. {tweetme}This is the table and our tables will become His churches.{/tweetme}
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Luke 5:31-32 NASB And Jesus answered and said to them, “It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” His call of absolute surrender goes out to all people: Luke 13:2-3 NASB And Jesus said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered this fate? I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. In His farewell to the disciples, Jesus commanded that they take His message of repentance and faith to all the nations. Luke 24:46-49 NLT And He said, “Yes, it was written long ago that the Messiah would suffer and die and rise from the dead on the third day. It was also written that this message would be proclaimed in the authority of His name to all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem: ‘There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent.’ You are witnesses of all these things. “And now I will send Holy Spirit, just as My Father promised. But stay here in the city until Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.” Holy Spirit transforms us in the secret place of our hearts, the fruit of this change will eventually become evident to those around us. John the Baptist taught this when he said in the Book of Matthew, {tweetme}“Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God”.{/tweetme}
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We embrace music at Gospel Garage - music written for the Trinity - God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit - and the singing that we offer Him at our churches or in our living rooms should reflect what we have been doing every day of the week - carrying to Him praise on our lips and worship in our hearts because nothing confuses the dark more than a person who is going through problems and yet instead of panicking continues with a grateful heart to trust the Lord.
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The Kingdom of God has come to earth through Jesus. His work in restoring creation is now in process, the Lord’s work done again on earth as it is in heaven. He invites us to voluntarily change our earthly walk and repent of our sins against God, declaring allegiance to Jesus Christ by walking in alignment with His reign and receiving Holy Spirit as He passes a restoring wind over our lives! {tweetme}Amazing grace!{/tweetme}
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God didn't leave us in the dark; He rescued me. And every time I stumble, fail, and repent I am refreshed by His grace. {tweetme}Jesus Christ offers His strong outstretched hand to all who seek His rescue.{/tweetme}
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Being a peacemaker is to not hide from conflict - but instead ask Holy Spirit to teach you how to live like Jesus, to create peace in a turbulent era. {tweetme}A peacemaker, from a Biblical perspective, is one who is actively trying to reconcile people to God and to one another. {/tweetme}Again, there is that word actively. It’s about helping people reconcile broken relations among themselves, and more importantly, with God.
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Holy Spirit isn’t to be feared, but revered. He is for our good because He dwells within us and among us and ushers in a new depth and dimension in our relationship with God.
Holy Spirit enables us to love Jesus Christ and live in His likeness, emboldening us to share the hope of the Gospel, as He equips us to fulfill the unique calling on our lives. {tweetme}Holy Spirit is essential to us experiencing the salvation Jesus died and rose again to give us.{/tweetme}
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What does it mean that we are seated at the Greatest Table with the Greatest King? How was Apostle Paul writing Ephesians 2 when he was seated – not at any kind of royal table – but in prison? {tweetme}Because there is Peace when we sit with Jesus.{/tweetme}
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Jesus teaches us that every day, throughout the day, there is a time to pray and believe, whether life is spinning it’s wheels in the mud, or we have received an opportunity hoped for…. {tweetme}make a commitment to keep praying!{/tweetme}
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Go to Jesus before anyone or anything else. Let Christ establish your plans. Let Christ lead you. Let His Word guide your life. “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 NLT. Commit to Christ. Let Christ rule every area of your heart, life, and business. Let Christ give you witty ideas. {tweetme}Let Christ fill you with His Wisdom.{/tweetme}
For Wisdom comes from God. Leadership comes from God. Let Christ, the Author of all things lead your life. Let His Word fill your heart. Commit your ways to God—the Author and Finisher of your life and Destiny. If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and are ready to acknowledge Him, say this simple prayer: God, I thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ. I believe that He died and conquering death rose again. Yes God, in the Name of Jesus, I repent of my sin and I turn to You. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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Life filled with Holy Spirit is not us trying to live for God but letting Holy Spirit live through us. And that my friends is a mind blowing truth! when Holy Spirit “dwells” within us we live in a daily, hourly, relationship with Him. When we surrender to Holy Spirit and let Him join us in prayer, when reading the Bible, singing songs of praise and worship to our Lord most high we receive the authority of Christ! God’s people! {tweetme}Yes, welcome Holy Spirit’s correction and wisdom - invite Him to live through you.{/tweetme}
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One of the amazing truths that Jesus taught His last week on earth before going to the cross - is the power of His name, and the privilege of every single believer to use His name for the glory of God’s kingdom, for freedom, healing and victory. Jesus said that the greater works of teaching, preaching, healing, and doing the miraculous in people’s lives would be done through His name. {tweetme}For God’s kingdom.{/tweetme} The promise of Jesus is that when we ask of God, seek His will, and speak IN the name of Jesus the devil leaves, it will be done.
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When God uses repentance to turn us in His direction, to revive us and reconcile us into right relationship through the blood of Jesus, He graciously restores us and invites us to reach others who—like us—have been charred by sinful choices. As the body of Christ, we receive healing as we begin to walk in the fullness of forgiveness, repentance, reconciliation, and restoration, let’s stop the busy and spend time in prayer with Holy Spirit to understand the incredible gift Jesus gave us when He gave His life to cover the sin of mankind.
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We get to know who the Bible says God is and that who He is doesn’t change, but who He is to each of us, to you to me, will determine the way we live, the way we pray and the decisions we make - the way we stand up with praise lifted high even though our lives are heavy.
We can’t afford for our understanding or perception of the Lord to be based off someone else’s stories or things we’ve just heard about Him. No my friends, we need understanding to come out of what Holy Spirit reveals in the written down, living Word of God. Prayerfully read the Bible - ask Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of who God is so that we can come to know Him intimately. Living a life of steadfastly praising God brings us into our Heavenly Father’s presence, gives us moments of refreshing with God and offers a glimpse of how He redeems us, forgives us, loves us, calls each and every son and daughter His own, those who seek Jesus and receive Him as the risen Saviour.
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Over and over, Jesus teaches us that if we know Him then we know God and have seen God. And the primary way we get to know Jesus Christ is through the Bible. It’s His powerful, authoritative, enlightening, and life-changing self-expression. It’s the very breath of God on each page! My friends, without true devotion to daily reading the Bible, we will quickly lose sight of the true, genuine Gospel of Jesus Christ! Without hiding His Word in our hearts, we won’t be able to recognize His voice when He speaks!
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We can sense something is not right and can’t quite explain why. Whether or not we are believers with Jesus, I think we can agree this is true. But then in the midst of our cracked and muddy lives …. God shows up and nothing stays the same. He changes our old self for a new one. Our old way of walking for a new way of walking. {tweetme}He leads us into a new life. That is the truth that is Jesus Christ. {/tweetme}By Jesus’ sombre surrender to God, His dying for our sins, and redeeming each person who acknowledges Him as the risen Saviour, we are transformed into new men and women through His sacrifice. That is the truth of the cross.