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Are we living every moment as though Jesus was at our side, as though He is walking towards us at any moment? May God give us the mercy and grace to live with an eternal perspective, living every day like people who see beyond what is in front of us and are ready for His return.
{tweetme}May God give us the mercy and grace to live with an eternal perspective, living every day like people who see beyond what is in front of us and are ready for His return.{/tweetme}
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When you come to Jesus Christ, He transforms you. Your past is forgiven. We receive a power to love His people, beyond our natural ability to love. Thank You Holy Spirit! Thank You for teaching us to clear out our junk, sin, grime, and make room in our hearts for Jesus!
{tweetme}Make Room In Your Heart{/tweetme}
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Truly take heart when the day feels like its smashing into loud pieces around you. Holy Spirit is among us. He will help us travel these darkened times, to walk fearless on the valley roads and mountain highways when we ask Him to. He prays deeper than words……
{tweetme}He prays deeper than words{/tweetme}
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The fact is, despite our choices, despite our past, despite our wrinkles, our value in God’s eyes has not changed. He alone gets to decide our worth. And by His grace, forgiveness, compassion and peace the Lord invites us to follow His lead, providing His strength, joy, certainty and His commission, right on time.
{tweetme}Right on Time{/tweetme}
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How bewildering to learn that Christ does not get flustered and frustrated when we come to Him for fresh forgiveness, for renewed pardon, with distress and need and emptiness. We need salvation and Jesus is the rescue of humanity.
Hebrews 4:15-16 NET For we do not have a high priest incapable of sympathizing with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in every way just as we are, yet without sin. {tweetme}Therefore let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace whenever we need help.{/tweetme}
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And Jesus answered saying to them, “Have faith in God.” Mark 11:22 NASB
Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted to him. 24 Therefore, I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you.
{tweetme} "All things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you." - Jesus {/tweetme}
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Tonight we celebrate The birth of Jesus Christ, the beginning of the glorious Gospel! Pause and reflect on the mercy God showed mankind by walking among us. {tweetme}Think of the door Jesus has opened for reconciliation with Him, a sure hope in this life and the life eternal to come.{/tweetme} It is not until God, in His grace, brings us to the end of ourselves and we repent of our sins, knowing by faith and trust in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross that we enter into a peaceful relationship with God.
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Jesus is the light of illumination. All that has been hidden will be revealed by the light of God. All the internal darkness our hearts have been immersed in will be lifted and replaced with the beautiful, guilt-lifting covering of God. {tweetme}Imagine the astonishing clarity and warmth of such a light upon your face! Amazing grace!{/tweetme}
The light of Christ that we get to carry now as His lanterns and will one day live under can be experienced every day, as God gives us glimpses of it through the reassurance of Holy Spirit in our hearts. God is never obscured by the darkest night. Whatever our eyes are unable to see, God sees with undimmed clarity.
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We rejoice at Christmas, we celebrate the day Jesus Christ was born among His people! Hallelujah! God makes Himself available to everyone at all times and promises us that He will never leave our side, not even for a moment. When we, by faith, accept Jesus as the risen Saviour, we will be transformed and made aware of His nearness by the power of Holy Spirit. We then recognize that peace is with us wherever we go because Jesus Christ is peace!
{tweetme}God makes Himself available to everyone at all times and promises us that He will never leave our side, not even for a moment.{/tweetme}
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We owe glory, praise and honour, gratitude and worship to Jesus the risen King. With all that we, along with the brothers and sisters in our communities and across all nations, have gone through the past several months may we find Him in our darkest hours. I know that maybe this Advent season we feel that we just don’t have it in us to celebrate. Maybe this past year has been overshadowed by a heaviness that refuses to budge, like the joy has been sucked out of you. But Scripture teaches us that Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day for all of humanity! Those who are broken, hurt and disappointed. Those who are celebrating and joyful. Those who have strayed so far from God, and those who rest under His covering. Jesus was born in a barn for the messy and the forgotten. He came to restore the wholeness that comes from a relationship with God. He came to flood our hearts with peace that just doesn’t make sense in todays’s world. Like a warrior who goes to battle to protect a kingdom, Jesus came not merely to wash away our sin but to conquer sin, to conquer death. As we celebrate this season, lets not forget: We can only be forgiven, healed, and set free because Jesus Christ was born. That is Christmas.
{tweetme}We can only be forgiven, healed, and set free because Jesus Christ was born. That is Christmas.{/tweetme}
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This year November 27, 2022 is the first day of Advent - fantastic! It is the dual celebration of waiting patiently for Jesus Christ to return while at the same time joining with generations in the heavenlies celebrating the day He arrived the first time as a child in Bethlehem and was revealed to us! Praise God!
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My friends, ask God! The Lord knows every detail of what we just came through, what we are stuck in the mud of here and now and what lies ahead – we can be confident our Heavenly Father has good intentions for His people when we ask Him first, when we grasp His hand and walk through the obstacles rather than seeing them as a brick wall.
{tweetme}The Lord knows every detail of what we just came through and what lies ahead.{/tweetme}
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Jesus Christ, our King, lives in us. His Church. {tweetme}Holy Spirit has made it clear that we become citizens of the Kingdom of God by putting our faith in Jesus Christ and giving our lives to be His voice among the nations.{/tweetme} By His mercy we are welcomed, we are protected, we are saved!
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If we are always, only looking for gigantic physical, material or financial blessings to be grateful for, we miss out on so many opportunities to praise God. {tweetme}We must appreciate the (seemingly) small along with the great.{/tweetme} We get to start by humbly praising God for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the salvation of our souls. If He never did anything else for us, we must praise Him every single day for salvation alone.
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Putting Jesus above everything is all about living your life to know God, to give Him the gratitude, the glory for all He does - take His hand and praise Him! what a journey it is! Holy Spirit wants to change our worldly perspective to a revelation of God’s truth.
{tweetme}Take His hand and praise Him! What a journey it is!{/tweetme}
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Revelation 4:11 NASB. Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things and because of Your Will, they existed and were created.
{tweetme}Worthy is Your Name, King Jesus{/tweetme}
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The only thing that truly matters is whether a person will accept Jesus Christ - who alone will make us holy - At all costs to self, we must put Jesus above all. This is the first of God’s Ten Commandments—not just first in order, but first in importance. Whatever is first in our lives, whatever is most important to us, whether it is money, work, family, a hobby, sports, a house, a car, or a host of other things, whatever is most important to us on our must have and to-do lists that becomes our god. If it is anything other than the true living God of the universe, then the Bible calls that idolatry. My friends there is none but Jesus, put God first. {tweetme}My friends there is none but Jesus, put God first.{/tweetme}
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God we praise You! Complete renewal before God for each of us begins when we stop presenting Him with small parts of perceived perfection and start pursuing Him with all we have! All the buckets of flowers and bins of compost! All the stuff we like and hate about ourselves….. we, you, me, us, all have the same choice offered by Jesus and when we are honest with Him we get to genuinely move deeper into the loving presence of God. Pursue Him, sing praise and worship to Him with abandon, speak quietly to Him in prayer. {tweetme}The time is now seek the Lord with all of your heart.{/tweetme}
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In other words, Jesus Himself is the Gospel of salvation. He teaches us that no matter who we are or how badly we've messed up, grace, forgiveness and our salvation are available to all who believe in Jesus Christ as the risen Saviour. {tweetme}And the Gospel isn’t just for a few {/tweetme}.... it is not only to serve a “saved” Christian in righteousness... The Gospel is for everyone, and an amazing thing about it is that it is the one thing that unites all Christians, surrendered to Jesus Christ, together better than anything in the world.
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Only God can work in the midst of every situation for His glory and our good. {tweetme}Holy Spirit reminds us not to fret but to be still and wait.{/tweetme}
I understand waiting is hard to do. Think of it like an activity even, worry, it is active; it gives us something to do, something to say, or to talk about with others. And yet when we feel overwhelmed by life, there is only one thing which is essential: sitting at the feet of Jesus as He surrounds us.