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God has placed a myriad of people on our path so that we will do everything that we can to be part of their salvation story. Whether it is a lifelong friendship or a 15 minute chat with fellow coffee drinker waiting in a lineup. Following Jesus means that we must be willing to share Jesus with other people, be willing to speak about repentance, redemption, rescue! Wherever we go, we pray for their lives, that they may receive Holy Spirit, that they will surrender to God our Heavenly Father, and follow Jesus the Christ, the way, the truth, the life, the Saviour! Hallelujah!
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Repentance is a rich biblical term that signifies an elemental transformation in someone’s mind, heart, and life. When people repent, we turn from walking in the direction of eternal destruction to running into the arms of Jesus and from that point forward, we think differently, believe differently, feel differently, love differently, and live differently. God is the great "I Am" and Jesus’ call to repentance, then and now is a summons for God’s people to renounce sin and all dependence on self for salvation. {tweetme}The only decision to make is before us now. {/tweetme}Only by turning from sin—away from ourselves and toward Jesus the Christ—will we be saved.
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God will bring the high places low. He will humble us and dismantle our ego. He will lift the heavy burden from your shoulders and even carry you when you’re too weary to walk on your own. He will put you right where you’re thinking wrong. The Lord will not only save your soul, He’ll transform you into His image!
But the road is not easy; we may not feel prepared for such a journey. Fear not. Jesus is preparing His people, preparing the way.
{tweetme}Fear Not{/tweetme}
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Contemplate the moment in history when four fishermen were working the sea on what must have started out as a regular day. Jesus approached them. “Follow me,” He said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” With that, Jesus beckoned these men spoken of in Matthew 4 to leave behind their professions, possessions, dreams, ambitions, family, friends, safety, and security. He bid them to choose. {tweetme}“If anyone is going to follow Me,” Jesus said, “He must deny himself.” {/tweetme} That is an invitation and a command. In a world where everything revolves around self—protect yourself, promote yourself, preserve yourself, entertain yourself, comfort yourself, take care of yourself—Jesus says, “die to self” and you will surely live.
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{tweetme}Yet by God’s grace, He opens blind eyes to see the identity of Jesus.{/tweetme}
There is no day better than today to live for Christ. Even as believers, we are called to continual repentance and restoration in our walk with the Lord rather than choosing to play God in our own lives. As our hearts grow more sensitive to our sin and we experience His continued patience towards us, His kindness will lead us to holiness. And when you live with God at the center of your life, with Him playing the part that only He can, you find that you are able joyfully and confidently to fulfill the role He has given you—to live out the life He has gifted you and the purpose for which He invited you into, a life spent enjoying, knowing, and serving Him. Amen!
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Psalms 119:41-48 NASB “May Your loving kindnesses also come to me, O Lord, Your salvation according to Your word; So I will have an answer for him who reproaches me, For I trust in Your word. And do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, For I wait for Your ordinances. So I will keep Your law continually, Forever and ever. And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Your precepts. I will also speak of Your testimonies before kings And shall not be ashamed. I shall delight in Your commandments, Which I love. And I shall lift up my hands to Your commandments, Which I love; And I will meditate on Your statutes.”
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Our only hope is Jesus. He who shares in all our pain shares in it as the pure and holy One. Jesus Christ is not the one who needs rescue - He provides it. This is why we can go to Him to “receive mercy and find grace”. He Himself is not trapped in the pit of sin with us; but He alone can pull us out.
He is all that is all that will be, He is salvation.
{tweetme} He is Salvation {/tweetme}
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We pray this over your life- your present and your future. May you never let your fear rob you of the fullness of God’s kingdom. {tweetme}May you never shrink the beautiful earth God has given us down to only the things you understand with worldly logic.{/tweetme} And, may the scope of His holiness and majesty grow fuller in you with every sunrise and sunset. Jesus Christ is just as He was, He is all that is, and all that will be.
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The Bible is raw, it is the living word of God, … it is the Old Testament and the New Testament - Genesis to Revelation - the ENTIRE BIBLE - not just the convenient chapters or the least awkward verses - The Bible is the authoritative true word of God.
{tweetme}2 Timothy 3:16-17 NASB All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.{/tweetme}
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Jesus teaches His followers today, just as He emphasised in His conversation with the Samaritan woman, the importance of worshipping God the heavenly Father in spirit and truth. Friend, Jesus is returning - will we be found wandering or worshipping? {tweetme} Jesus is returning - will we be found wandering or worshipping?{/tweetme}WORSHIP with song IS THIS GENERATIONS REVIVAL, Worship is not simply an activity or music genre; it is a sacred encounter with the Lord of all creation. We praise in worship, with reverence, with awe with joy, to express our love, surrender, adoration, and gratitude to the King of kings because Jesus is all that matters and when He fills us we can’t contain His presence, instead we overflow with His light over the communities He places us in! Hallelujah!
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We can get so focused on the 5 feet around us that we forget our personal relationship with God. The Lord is the only name that should matter to us because Jesus Christ is the only One who can lead us to eternal life. It is time to reconnect with the core calling of Christ: to put our faith into action by spreading the Gospel message, making the name of the Lord famous.
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God’s purpose and His promises have not changed. Maybe our circumstances have, but His word is unchanging. It’s time to occupy the promises of God. The Lord our God is strong and mighty. He has not lost His power to do more than we could ask or imagine. God is stirring, now as He always has. Be strong and courageous.
{tweetme} We cannot deny Jesus! {/tweetme}
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Every human heart is searching for something. Deep in the soul of humanity, there is this void that we try to fill. Yet know this without doubt - Only Jesus the Christ, messiah, saviour, can flood our emptiness, oh sure we charge ahead looking in the wrong place for that thing or especially a person, leader, that will mediate and connect the divine to our mortal existence seeking to belong in this world, to be fully known by our peers, to find fulfillment and purpose and accolades in our surroundings…… friend stop. There is no aimless wandering necessary, right now in this moment you can choose to take the hand of Jesus, in fact let Him lift you out of the dark and into His light…… the seeking nature of man is a gift from God to shepherd His people with Him through the narrow gate to eternal life, we will go where are heart is seeking if our eyes remain fixed on the perfector of our faith, Jesus, with Him we will wander no more…….. God we praise You for the Bible, thank You Holy Spirit, teach us about sanctification, repentance, redemption, salvation - teach us more of the One mediator, Jesus the Christ.
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If we, as followers of Christ, gain the understanding that with Jesus Messiah we have found our God-given purpose - and therefore know our lives will be infinitely fulfilled with the presence of the king of kings, we can really quite simply wear an unshakeable faith like a shield, able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one (taught in Ephesians 6:16 NASB)
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We can have information and not have the truth. We can have emotions and not be responding to the truth. If you and I want to partake in the Lord’s victory in this spiritual war, that means we have to identify the issue—the subject at hand, the attack that we are experiencing, the evil day that seems to be coming against us. Then we’re going to have to rush to Jesus Christ and find out what God says about that matter. Many times in our spiritual war, we get everybody else’s input on a matter, including our jaded view. We may even have the facts, but we can have the facts and still not know the truth. If we want to claim Jesus Christ’s victory in our physical and spiritual life, we are going to have to put on the robe of God’s righteousness, relentlessly wear the armour of God, and reside with God’s truth. Jesus teaches in John 8:32, only the truth can set you free, Jesus Christ is the truth. Walk with that kind of faith.
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May we be ready to proclaim the word of God, to speak and share the true Gospel from the Bible, and stand firm with our faith in Jesus Christ, Hallelujah! May we make the choice to wander no more!
{tweetme}Wander No More{/tweetme}
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On that day, “many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord…” There will be many people who think that they knew Jesus. Who sang worship songs and had amazing religious experiences. Who went out and did some great things for Jesus. Who spoke the words of Jesus with power into other’s lives, who saw demons cast out but none of that is the fruit that Jesus is truly looking for. And at the end of the day, what matters is not whether we think we know Jesus but whether Jesus the Christ knows us. {tweetme} On that day, “many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord…” {/tweetme}
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These are the only two ways available to us in life. There is no third option; there is no middle ground. Will you heed the words of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and enter by the narrow gate of faith and commitment to Him, and walk up the hard path at His side, knowing that your destination is eternity?
{tweetme} there is no third option...{/tweetme}
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Acts 2:21 NASB
“And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
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Holy Spirit will expose the lies that the enemy plants in your mind by reminding us of faith in the truth contained in scripture. Let’s build up our collection of scriptural understanding, believing and trusting in the Lord’s living word, speaking in the name of King Jesus. Do not be alarmed friends. As we watch our culture disintegrate into moral chaos and heart-wrenching violence, God’s warning to us echoes. The Word of God is Getting Louder.
{tweetme}The Word of God is Getting Louder.{/tweetme}
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Who is God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit? Have you asked yourself? Have you asked God? We can’t afford for our understanding or perception of Him to be based off someone else’s stories or things we have just heard about the Lord. No my friends, we need wisdom, knowledge and understanding to come out of what Holy Spirit reveals in the Word of God.