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When we realize that God’s grace fills us with gratitude for Him it will flow out of us as gracious words and deeds to those around us. And when we walk in a life of grace, again wearing our gratitude like a beautiful coat, we learn God isn’t just who we praise, but He IS our praise. He is our everything.
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Lets be bold, lets start thanking God in prayer for people who are in our lives, and those who are maybe just on the fringe of our life but are deeply involved in the lives of those we love. And Pray too for the difficult people, mean people, hurtful people, because we are, could very well be, the only bit of God's light they see. And if they allow His light in their hearts eternity could be theirs!
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Revived for a reason. A blessed life is one that understands that when God saves you, He has others in mind.
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We don’t need to bury our anxiety. These days we are in are reminding us all of the things that have always been true: something is wrong with the world and we are not in control. But we do know the one who is. God. He is not surprised by this virus. He is not panicking. Not one atom is outside of His control.
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REST, not sleep, or take a nap, although refreshing and necessary, rest as in stop, sit with Jesus, have a conversation about what God has in His heart for you. What the Lord’s path is as we live through His purpose for mankind. Rest in His covering, breathe deep, welcome instruction, rest in His unending grace and steadying fortitude.
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Walking with Jesus is not a way to easy living but it is the way to everlasting life.
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Rejoicing, praying, and expressing gratitude is easy to do when life is going smoothly, but what about when we are struggling just to get a foot out the door? Jesus knew we would have difficult times, and His antidote for a stifled spirit is praise – for His presence and promise of eternal life with Him! He loves you. He loves me. He died for us. And those are all the right reasons to worship with love in our hearts and rejoice in Him.
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When we speak life using the Words of the Lord, we are not speaking from our own authority. We are speaking directly from the authority of God. His Word travels through us, unto the world. We are merely the messenger, He is the author. Pause and rethink what you were about to say when the waiter got your order wrong. Use words to explain, words to encourage, with understanding, speak life.
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These two men, crucified alongside Jesus Christ, are the choice of humanity manifested in two broken sin filled men. One chooses to walk away from God. One chooses to repent and surrender to Jesus Christ.
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What is salvation? Not so Simply put, salvation means that we have been saved from the wrath of God, saved, delivered, from the result of our sin—Salvation is possible because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, crucified. It is the conclusion of a Christian’s conversion process. It is a fair question to ask, when we are left wondering, “How was I saved when I didn’t “do” anything great or good to be saved?” But my friends, the very fact that He wants us saved is a beautiful part of salvation. We don’t earn it nor deserve it yet our gracious, magnificent God freely offers salvation to all and freely gives it to those who declare Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
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God alone can give us the strength and endurance for a flourishing life. When we are tired, His firm arms will scoop us up and breathe fresh life into those bones. When we are too battered to take one more step forward, His wellspring of life rises up and fills us once again. When we are lost and unsure, His wisdom and insight opens the weary eyes and illuminates the journey ahead.
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How bewildering to learn that Christ does not get flustered and frustrated when we come to Him for fresh forgiveness, for renewed pardon, with distress and need and emptiness. That’s the whole point. The need for salvation, rescue of humanity. It’s what He came to heal. He went down into the horror of death and plunged out through the other side in order to provide a limitless supply of mercy and grace to His people. Hallelujah!
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It’s not that we won’t make mistakes. We will. And occasionally, there will still be relational debris behind us. But, the hope is that our words and actions will begin to line up under the authority of Christ’s work in our lives. That we’ll begin to consider everything we do and say all in the name of Jesus.
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Because of all Christ has already done for us, we do not live in darkness—unless we choose to. The stone from Jesus’ tomb, and ours, has been rolled away. Holy Spirit directs our gaze towards the horizon, we were never made to look backward; we are designed to look forward. You cannot trip over what is behind you—unless you run back to it. Simply stated, we become what we behold. If we want a free life in Jesus, keep focusing on Him.
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Imagine as far back in time as you can. Before earth. Before our universe. God was there. But He wasn’t alone. God is three in One. Three different forms of one God. God the Father of all that is all that was and all that will be. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, made into man. Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God that dwells among us. Each one uniquely expresses God’s nature to us, but none is greater than the other.
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The only way to be set free is to KNOW Jesus Christ personally - not simply to know historical facts about Christ, but to know Him as our personal Saviour. Who willingly died in our place to pay the price for our sin. And when we are set free from our chains by the redeeming blood of Jesus - we know the Son as Saviour.. and the SON sets us free forever.
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Remember that your problems are temporary but He is eternal—and so is our relationship with Jesus. As we find Joy in God, delighting in His unfailing Love for us, our strength will increase. This is the Joy of the Lord, which is yours and mine for all time and throughout eternity!
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We have been entrusted with sharing the message of God’s love. That’s the teachings of the Gospel. It is written not simply to provide information about Jesus Christ but to bring us into a clear understanding of faith in Him as Messiah and Son of God.
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If there is ever a time to really pray and believe, it is in this new decade. it is when we have been counted out, a relationship looks dead, an opportunity seems too far to obtain or life seems hopeless! Make a commitment to keep praying!
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Treasure His Word. Bury His Word within the soil of your heart. Let His Word become the Bedrock of your heart and soul. Let His Word build a foundation and framework that cannot be moved. Plant yourself in His Word and He will cause you to break the chains of fear that hold you stuck.
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He takes a tattered, broken, marked person and makes them better than ever before. When Jesus goes to work on us we become unrecognizable to the people who knew us before. God’s definition of restoration doesn’t just mean putting us back together, but it means to go above and beyond in making us better than before. We’re always in far better shape after Jesus has gone to work on us than before. It doesn't mean we won’t suffer or feel the growing pains because we will but God will restore us. That’s not a “maybe” or “if He feels like it.” It’s a promise that the Lord will restore His people to a better place.