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The privileges of being justified and reconciled to God are a central teaching in Romans 8, and because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, we, His people have the indwelling of Holy Spirit who is with us as we journey to eternity in God’s new heaven and earth. Suffering with Jesus, however, is part of what we undergo, our edification, as we await the final and full consummation of all things. In the midst of our suffering, we have hope because of the surety of the world to come and the intercessory work of Holy Spirit.
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Oh Holy Spirit, where there is uncertainty we pray for Your strength to stand against the winds that are blowing contrary to God and our faith in this day, we pray in the name of Jesus, amen!
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The Word of God is warning about the direction this world has been heading for thousands of years. Apostle Paul speaks of the uprising of false teachings about God and that evil influences will be louder than any other influence. Holy Spirit doesn’t want us to fall into these traps, in fact He teaches us how to avoid believing the lies and manipulations of satan. God warns us to be ready for the return of Christ! In fact Jesus asks in 2 Thessalonians 2 “do you not remember”?
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Let’s prepare for the week ahead, Are we too busy for the Savior? Do we have excuses as to why we aren't studying the Bible every day, ready to follow Him? Are too many things shoving Him to the side? My friends, when has He ever been too busy for you? Read the Gospel accounts, He left heaven, a mighty sacrifice, to be born in a Bethlehem stable so we might become His righteousness. So we by faith in Christ, will be freed on judgment day from the sentence that sin brings; so we can approach God with freedom and confidence, Jesus fulfilled the law. Jesus wants His bride ready, prepared. For that reason church, brothers and sisters in Christ, God sent His Son to this world, the Lord calls you today, not someday.
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We daily sin, but Jesus Christ, taking our place and doing what we could not do for ourselves, lived His life perfectly. We regularly fall to our sin, Satan's inducements and the world's enticements, but Jesus said a firm, "no!" to every allurement and attraction placed before Him. Jesus did this, and did it without slip or stumble, in an awe inspiring display of Divine love, a gift of grace which was, and for many, still is, unwanted, unappreciated, unapplauded, and unreceived. What is your excuse?
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The Day of God’s Judgment is coming; Are you prepared? Is Jesus your King? if you have put your faith, hope and trust in Christ as your Savior, that day will hold no fear, but friend, if Jesus is not your Savior, seek Him now while you still have breath because the return of the Christ, whether it be today or 100 years from now, is an absolute. No amount of medical attention or wise planning can halt His arrival - if we are not ready, no excuses will be accepted; no exceptions will be made, no explanations allowed. God has provided a way for you, for me, for everyone, to repent and be saved …… so true and raw - thank You Jesus for the cross ….
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The Bible is the true, living word of God, it is recorded history, pen put to paper, and Jesus Christ is the focal point of God’s revelation; Jesus is the Lord of lords—He is King —and God has appointed a day when all men will be judged by Him. Will we choose to stay beside Jesus?
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Friends, we have a chance to live like Jesus teaches. We’re talking about living in a way that makes a difference for God’s kingdom. How do we really allow the work Jesus Christ did on the cross to transform our lives? A simple answer with a hard truth. Deny ourselves. Take up our cross and follow Him.
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God is so far above anything of this world. The Bible teaches that everyone will one day stand in awe of the Lord, there will be day when all must recognize Him as the King of kings. Are you prepared for that day? When that day comes will you have chosen Jesus the Christ as your Lord and Saviour and stand with Him? Hallelujah!
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Praise the Lord! let’s grab hold of the unalterable truths of God’s Word, and decide that we will stand firm on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the truth that never changes, regardless of how society around us changes as the days pass!
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There is coming a day when Jesus Christ will return to finish the work He already began. Do You Believe The Gospel?
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Jesus sets the kingdom borders. It is simply not the case that everybody is in, no matter who they are, what they believe, or what they want! The idea that every good person is going to spend eternity with Jesus may sound very palatable, but it is simply not what God’s word teaches—God, and no one else, will judge who resides in His kingdom.
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Peter, James and John glimpsed the radiance of Jesus’ Heavenly glory, overshadowed by a cloud, on the mountain, and it was written of that moment in Matthew 17:1-5 NASB ”Six days later Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, I will make three tabernacles here, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!”

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Holy Spirit is speaking to all creation, this moment in history, every day God allows the sun to rise, hear the word of the Lord ….. Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. From age to age—whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. From all nations across the Earth—whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. {tweetme}No matter your class, no matter your race, no matter your background—whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord and hold steadying Hand Of Jesus Christ shall be saved.{/tweetme}
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There is tremendous value in all that God has to say. Jesus tells us, "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Notice He said "every word." The entire Bible. Many, if not most of the words we hear on TV, radio, or read in the newspapers have dubious value, but every word God speaks is valuable to those who will hear and heed. And one of the messages that God has spoken has to do with quiet living.
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As January has headed into the new year like a freight-train, it has also been a reminder to get on our knees before God and thank Him for His mercy, His providing.... heat, food, a coat, a roof.... truly humbling isn't it, that God is with us here right now! .... When we accept God’s love, which fills us overabundantly, we begin to learn what is truly essential and what isn't, and with each nonessential thing we let go of, our hearts grow calmer, quieter, more open to the teachings of Jesus.
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My friends, I pray we are receptive to the convicting work of Holy Spirit and the ministry of the Bible, talk about Jesus with others, and let’s take the Truth even further into our own hearts, striding forward to see what God will do in and through us. Yes Lord! We won’t leave our praise and worship in the kitchen when God wants us to take it with us wherever we go. Head into the day with great expectations. God will speak. God is present. Will you seek Him?
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If you have knelt with the shepherds and seen God's Son, our good News of great Joy; if you have stood with John at the Savior's cross and heard the Lord cry out in redeeming triumph, "It is finished"; if you have run with Peter to peer inside the empty resurrection tomb, then you will begin this year and every year in the light of the Lord. If you have heard the Lord speak in His inerrant, inspired word; if Holy Spirit enables you to say, "Jesus is my Savior and Lord"; then the mania and the madness of this world will be minimized. The great day of the Lord’s return is not only about the just rewards for the wicked and the gracious gifts for the righteous. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself will receive what God the Father has promised. On that day, He will be united with His Bride, the church, and there will be a great supper (Revelation 19:6-9). On that day we will be happy to be numbered among the saints. Come Lord Jesus, come.
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This weekend we celebrate The birth of Jesus Christ, the beginning of the glorious Gospel! Pause and reflect on the mercy God showed mankind by walking among us.
{tweetme}Think of the door Jesus has opened for reconciliation with Him, a sure hope in this life and the life eternal to come.{/tweetme}
It is not until God, in His grace, brings us to the end of ourselves and we repent of our sins, knowing by faith and trust in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross that we enter into a peaceful relationship with God.
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Receiving Jesus’ peace comes from faith in the promises of God and when we do trust the promises of God we are filled with His joy and peace, faith and love, then the weary world rejoices!
{tweetme} The Weary World Rejoices {/tweetme}