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May we be ready to proclaim the word of God, to speak and share the true Gospel from the Bible, and stand firm with our faith in Jesus Christ, Hallelujah! May we make the choice to wander no more!
{tweetme}Wander No More{/tweetme}
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On that day, “many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord…” There will be many people who think that they knew Jesus. Who sang worship songs and had amazing religious experiences. Who went out and did some great things for Jesus. Who spoke the words of Jesus with power into other’s lives, who saw demons cast out but none of that is the fruit that Jesus is truly looking for. And at the end of the day, what matters is not whether we think we know Jesus but whether Jesus the Christ knows us. {tweetme} On that day, “many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord…” {/tweetme}
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These are the only two ways available to us in life. There is no third option; there is no middle ground. Will you heed the words of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and enter by the narrow gate of faith and commitment to Him, and walk up the hard path at His side, knowing that your destination is eternity?
{tweetme} there is no third option...{/tweetme}
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Acts 2:21 NASB
“And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
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Holy Spirit will expose the lies that the enemy plants in your mind by reminding us of faith in the truth contained in scripture. Let’s build up our collection of scriptural understanding, believing and trusting in the Lord’s living word, speaking in the name of King Jesus. Do not be alarmed friends. As we watch our culture disintegrate into moral chaos and heart-wrenching violence, God’s warning to us echoes. The Word of God is Getting Louder.
{tweetme}The Word of God is Getting Louder.{/tweetme}
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Who is God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit? Have you asked yourself? Have you asked God? We can’t afford for our understanding or perception of Him to be based off someone else’s stories or things we have just heard about the Lord. No my friends, we need wisdom, knowledge and understanding to come out of what Holy Spirit reveals in the Word of God.
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The Kingdom of God has come to earth through Jesus Christ. He has begun the process of seeing His work done again on earth as it is in heaven and offers us the choice to voluntarily accept allegiance to Him and alignment with His reign. Did you catch that?!? He gives us the opportunity to confess our sins, to repent, {tweetme}JESUS IS IN IT WITH US!{/tweetme}
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When you’re driving through life and the journey leads to you to a dark place where you feel alone and abandoned, know that you’re never really alone. God loves us, each and every piece of our tattered self and He calls us sons and daughters. Even when nothing else seems to work, Holy Spirit is right there with you. With only a thought, He can speak life, hope, strength, joy, and encouragement to you and over you. Even better, if we pray, and learn to listen intently, He helps us avoid residing in some of those dark places. The gift of Pentecost.
{tweetme}When you’re driving through life and the journey leads to you to a dark place where you feel alone and abandoned, know that you’re never really alone. God loves us, each and every piece of our tattered self and He calls us sons and daughters.{/tweetme}
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Think about this for a moment. We, like Apostle Paul were made to love God, and we also get to cry out to the Lord in our distress. God’s word is filled with examples of faith under fire - and although our circumstances through history may be different, we too see havoc upon us now. {tweetme}Hold On{/tweetme}As we undergo illness, distress, loss, and heartache in our own lives, and in the lives of those we love, we cry out to the Lord. And because He knows us each by name we have hope, trusting God sends comfort and reassurance in His perfect timing when we seek Him in prayer... When we hold on.
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From beginning to end, the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ will return to rule over God’s created earth forever.
{tweetme}One thing is certain: Jesus will return.{/tweetme}
Matthew 25:31 NASB - But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne.
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Choose to be in conversation with God, to be in prayer with Him. Gaining discernment is a huge reason to read the Bible every day! So seek and listen to Holy Spirit’s wisdom, correction and guidance, receive the Lord’s covering, His armour of protection from the enemy’s bombardment of twisted words and whispered lies. We are more than conquerors, we stand victorious because of Jesus Christ.
{tweetme}Receive the Lord’s covering, His armour of protection from the enemy’s bombardment of twisted words and whispered lies.{/tweetme}
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Wherever you may be right now, Holy Spirit can revive your heart for the kingdom of the living Christ as you have never before experienced. The greatest outpourings of divine demonstration, salvation and prayer repeatedly took place in history because of a single, surrendered soul who chose to follow Jesus, surrendered and obedient to God.
{tweetme}We are no longer the object of our own focus and energy, and we begin to sense the very heart of God pounding in our chest to reach those around us with light of Jesus, the word of God.{/tweetme}
Often that personal revival gave birth to a relentless passion for lost and dying souls and a weighty burden for God’s church, His people. When Holy Spirit revives, our perspective turns outward. We are no longer the object of our own focus and energy, and we begin to sense the very heart of God pounding in our chest to reach those around us with light of Jesus, the word of God.
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Jesus Christ is alive. He is the Gospel. When we repent of our sin, do not return to it and instead turn to God, we are redeemed. When we choose to surrender our own will to Jesus Christ, when we give our heart to Him, we are renewed with Him. He is the only way to God, He is our salvation. Simply remain. Abide. Yes Lord simply remain - though life is layered and deep we are to simply remain in the presence of Jesus, magnificent Jesus.
{tweetme}Simply Remain{/tweetme}
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Psalm 63:1-4 NASB “O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water. Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory. Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You. So I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.
King David earnestly seeks God. His soul thirsts for God. There is longing to be in God’s presence. There is urgency. Do we seek God like this? Do we desire the return of Jesus Christ in this manner? Jesus asks us to abide with Him, each and every one of us, and for thousands of years He has continued to invite God’s people to return and remain with Him.
{tweetme} So I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. {/tweetme}
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Take a deep breath, in the quiet or noise of where you are at right now and step into Easter remembering what God says about you, His beloved child, and take captive any thought that doesn’t align with His Word. {tweetme}There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken His love.{/tweetme}There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s redeeming hand. Mankind is given the gift of choice, choose to repent of the things that grieve Holy Spirit, prayerfully read the Bible seeking correction, understanding and help to let go of the sin that has you pinned down.
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Jesus Christ’s unending hope is alive in our hearts because Jesus lives, and He will return to judge the world. Until then, may we be His people, prepared for each encounter Holy Spirit brings before us, let’s praise God who fills our lives with uncontainable joy and peace as we trust in His mighty name. {tweetme}We have countless reasons to be thankful in this life and even more as we anticipate eternity with Jesus to come.{/tweetme}
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The days are moving quickly, those who believe in Jesus Christ must get back to the basics of His truth, relying on faith unseen, trusting Holy Spirit’s supernatural presence, the forgiveness at the cross, the resurrection, the power of God, the blood of Christ, and other potent spiritual realities God has unveiled in His word to those who believe. This is the only way we, God’s people, can stand firm as brothers and sisters united by Jesus, singing worship carried to Him on hands raised with praise for our magnificent Lord, all while ministering to the fracturing world around us in the cities, towns, families and communities God has invited us to join Him in.
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Jesus is the reason we have faith, worship, and eternal salvation. We believe in the name of Jesus Christ, and no other name is as worthy of our praise. He is the only way to God because He is God. If we are to be saved, we MUST go through Jesus. He is the one way; to escape the eternal punishment we justly deserve for our rebellion against God it is necessary to acknowledge and declare Jesus Christ as the risen Saviour who was crucified for mankind’s sins- and conquering death - He rose again! It is absolutely necessary to accept that and believe it!
{tweetme}We believe in the name of Jesus Christ, and no other name is as worthy of our praise.{/tweetme}
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The realization of who Jesus Christ is brings us to our knees, to understand that we are sinners to the core in desperate need of God’s grace and forgiveness.
Friend, Holy Spirit does not make us aware of our sin and leave us to drown in it, He helps us understand that God has to provide the solution because we cannot save ourselves. Be honest but not ashamed. Trust the bending and growing with Jesus, He is teacher, healer, and holy holy holy.
{tweetme}Be honest and not ashamed{/tweetme}
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The Bible records generations of people, some of whom understood what was going on in the spiritual world and followed God’s lead, and others who were asleep or missed His plan entirely. May we be people who repent. Seek God. Meet with God. Return to God. He is the only answer to everything that comes our way in life. Remain focused on God. There is a colossal spiritual battle happening for the souls of every person, we need the indwelling of Holy Spirit.
{tweetme}There is a colossal spiritual battle happening for the souls of every person, we need the indwelling of Holy Spirit.{/tweetme}
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John 16:7-15 NASB But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. And Holy Spirit, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment; concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me; and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged. “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.
Jesus calls us His people, He has sent Holy Spirit. When we acknowledge and declare that Jesus Christ is the risen king, Holy Spirit will dwell within our hearts, our minds, within our lives. Not to make our walk here easy but to guide us on the right road, salvation, sanctification, to God’s eternal kingdom..
{tweetme} Jesus calls us His people, He has sent Holy Spirit. When we acknowledge and declare that Jesus Christ is the risen king, Holy Spirit will dwell within our hearts, our minds, within our lives. {/tweetme}