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Because of all Christ has already done for us, we do not live in darkness—unless we choose to. The stone from Jesus’ tomb, and ours, has been rolled away. Holy Spirit directs our gaze towards the horizon, we were never made to look backward; we are designed to look forward. You cannot trip over what is behind you—unless you run back to it. Simply stated, we become what we behold. If we want a free life in Jesus, keep focusing on Him.
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Imagine as far back in time as you can. Before earth. Before our universe. God was there. But He wasn’t alone. God is three in One. Three different forms of one God. God the Father of all that is all that was and all that will be. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, made into man. Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God that dwells among us. Each one uniquely expresses God’s nature to us, but none is greater than the other.
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The only way to be set free is to KNOW Jesus Christ personally - not simply to know historical facts about Christ, but to know Him as our personal Saviour. Who willingly died in our place to pay the price for our sin. And when we are set free from our chains by the redeeming blood of Jesus - we know the Son as Saviour.. and the SON sets us free forever.
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Remember that your problems are temporary but He is eternal—and so is our relationship with Jesus. As we find Joy in God, delighting in His unfailing Love for us, our strength will increase. This is the Joy of the Lord, which is yours and mine for all time and throughout eternity!
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We have been entrusted with sharing the message of God’s love. That’s the teachings of the Gospel. It is written not simply to provide information about Jesus Christ but to bring us into a clear understanding of faith in Him as Messiah and Son of God.
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If there is ever a time to really pray and believe, it is in this new decade. it is when we have been counted out, a relationship looks dead, an opportunity seems too far to obtain or life seems hopeless! Make a commitment to keep praying!
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Treasure His Word. Bury His Word within the soil of your heart. Let His Word become the Bedrock of your heart and soul. Let His Word build a foundation and framework that cannot be moved. Plant yourself in His Word and He will cause you to break the chains of fear that hold you stuck.
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He takes a tattered, broken, marked person and makes them better than ever before. When Jesus goes to work on us we become unrecognizable to the people who knew us before. God’s definition of restoration doesn’t just mean putting us back together, but it means to go above and beyond in making us better than before. We’re always in far better shape after Jesus has gone to work on us than before. It doesn't mean we won’t suffer or feel the growing pains because we will but God will restore us. That’s not a “maybe” or “if He feels like it.” It’s a promise that the Lord will restore His people to a better place.
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There is no better way to put it. God fills our heart with a burden and a passion to act on behalf of His people. Therefore where we are residing at any given season in our lives is where God has planted us. He may move us to another location. He may not. Get rooted in the neighbourhood He has planted you in. Many of us will have the most kingdom impact, growing old by the Lord’s grace, holding His lantern in a town needing His light. Embrace the commission.
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May we, with the help of Holy Spirit, focus on what matters most in this world by loving and serving Him and others. May others show us God’s love and God’s constant presence when we need it as well. And may we hold on to Jesus Christ, our rock in a weary land, our shelter in a time of storm.
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God, help us to remember all the amazing promises You have made to us as Your children. Let our trials and sorrows here on earth draw us even closer to You, always straightening our faith and obedience toward You in all the seasons of our lives.
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When we follow Jesus, He will give us each different tasks, ministries, jobs, lives, and He makes us all fishers of men and it does not depend on what we can do, or our background or any of our surrounding circumstances. It is based on His promises. Follow Jesus and fully believe in His promises. That is purpose.
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One of the things that I love about having faith in Jesus is that all He requires of us is to believe. He has already done the hard work and we just have to accept it. How can we really allow the work He did on the cross to transform our lives? Do not to be conformed to the patterns of this world, patterns of violence, hate, greed and insecurity, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds with the patterns of Jesus, grace, peace, love, and compassion.