But carefully obey the commands and instructions Moses the LORD’s servant gave you. Love the LORD your God, follow all His instructions, obey His commands, be loyal to Him, and serve Him with all your heart and being! Joshua 22:5 NET

God has called each of His children to a specific task, and it can only be accomplished when we give it the best of our time, effort, gifts, and focus. As we are obedient to follow God’s calling, God will bring out the best in us. 

{tweetme}Stay committed to God’s plan despite what is going on around us. {/tweetme}Don't be overwhelmed, be open, God’s targeted plan might require achieving something that has never been accomplished and through obedience God is able to use it for His glory. The Lord is faithful and will come through in His word concerning us despite the challenges we are currently facing. 

And while we might not be able to effectively explain God’s plan for our life, committing to obedience and following God’s commands is to be the main target. When we aim to focus on God’s targeted plans for us we are able to positively impact and influence others in Christ. When one deliberately elects to reject God’s targeted plan for their life, it can negatively impact and influence others and those in close relation to them. 

As you aim to focus on God’s Targeted Plan for your life, ask God for wisdom and strength to Aim Towards the Target. God has great plans for you! Obeying God’s commands for your life is of extreme importance. Intentionally following your own plan and not God’s plan is rebellion. No matter how someone tries to fashion disobedience, God is not pleased with the deliberate rejection of His word. It is vital that we don’t allow distractions, fear, pride and our opinions to interfere with obeying God’s commands. Believers shouldn’t focus on God’s methodology but on faithfully aligning in obedience to carry out His commands in our lives. 

Obeying God is the key to godly success and affects others. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, be advised that God’s ways are not often popular with the world and some people will not understand God’s call on your life. While we are obedient to following God’s commands, people might resort to; mocking, ridiculing, debasing and harassment but this place is not our forever home, it is better to be obedient to God than to succumb to the disobedience of the world’s influence.  

Obedience is a beautiful way of humbling ourselves before our Heavenly Father and saying, "Lord in my obedience to You, I trust You with everything and have faith that in anything You call me to, that it is part of Your purpose for my life." In this, there is truly no better life to live than one in obedience to our God.