He humbled Himself, by becoming obedient to the point of death – even death on a cross! As a result God exalted Him and gave Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow – in heaven and on earth and under the earth – and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.  Philippians 2:8-11 NET

This Bible verse focuses on Jesus’s attitude, something that is often the most difficult aspect to conquering difficult times. “Why is this happening to me? When will this agony be over? We question God with “I thought God loved me, but I don’t feel loved and this is not fair!” Yet, the Bible says Jesus learned obedience through what He suffered on the Cross. 

I can’t be the only one who struggles to accept that we cannot change our difficult circumstances. Sure, we can make small changes to work harder or eat healthier, but most of life’s biggest trials are unbearably unavoidable. Instead of living in faith as Christ’s followers in the midst of that trial, we often find ourselves distracted, trying to control what’s around us. Rather than focusing on the Lord, we look to ourselves to solve life’s hardships.  And really, Change is never easy. And sometimes, neither is obedience to God. Obedience literally cost Jesus His life! But through scripture we learn that it was because of Jesus’s humble obedience we are washed clean, saved by His grace. 

Maybe we need to learn what it means to surrender to God’s will, even when it’s hard. Really hard. It’s what gives us the opportunity to be more like Jesus, who embraced the change from being infinite as God to finite as man by having a humble attitude, even though He was the Son of God. imagine the love Jesus has for His Father, that He completely gave of Himself unto God’s hand. {tweetme}Instead of asking the Lord to change our circumstances, let us ask for the Lord to change us. {/tweetme}Trust that His plan is greater than anything we can fathom.

Some of us love change. We live for the thrill of it. Others find ourselves fighting panic when the mere idea floats across our minds. But if we’re honest, we all find change a little scary.

Certain changes feel better than others. The excitement of a new career opportunity is nothing like what we experience as we grieve the pain of a miscarriage … a layoff … a relationship that dead-ends and leaves us baffled.

No matter the change we face, stress usually travels with it hand in hand. And as humans, we handle stress by looking for a way to cope. Many of us handle change by using the “change management” approach. In other words, we ask ourselves how to ease the danger of the unknowns. How can we control and or prepare for all possible outcomes? 

The answer is simple. Jesus Christ. Tell Him EVERYTHING you hold inside. He loves you without conditions, without end.