A person plans his course, but the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9 NET 

Just Think of it! The Lord knows every detail of what lies ahead – we can be confident our Heavenly Father has good intentions toward us in the midst of it – therefore our task becomes less about knowing the outcome and more about knowing Him.  We need to figure out what it means to walk with our Lord through the haze of change. To practice knowing and embracing His presence as we navigate difficult situations. We do this by staying close to Him. This looks like a morning of prayer and surrendering time from our daily schedules to Him. It looks like opening the Bible and scouring His word for the truth.

{tweetme}When we seek to keep in step with the Spirit in the midst of change, we’re choosing to trust in our Lord and Savior.{/tweetme} That He knows what’s best for us. That He has a plan. And that we can trust Him. God’s presence is not the passageway to our destination. He is the destination.

God tells us that sin leads to suffering and misery—and ultimately death—but that His way of life will bring the greatest happiness and most wonderful existence possible. When we are in a mindset of absolutely believing what God says, we adhere to His way— At other times, we may “know” God’s way is right, but we sometimes forget how absolutely real He is and that He’s right here with us. Consequently, we don’t take His warnings seriously. We may think that instant, gratification will make us “feel better”—and so we end up giving in, But notice that a major culprit here is disbelief in our mighty Lord.  If we really and truly believed God—being utterly convinced that He, in Spirit, was always right here with us—we would know better and act accordingly.  But for physical human beings beset by weakness of the world and Satan’s toxic influences, such absolute faith lies can feel out of reach.   That’s why we must have a transformation of mind through the Holy Spirit—which is itself a gift of God by grace through faith.

Through giving us the Holy Spirit, God the Father and Jesus Christ enable us to miraculously share in Their sure perspective when it comes to how we should live. And the Holy Spirit also empowers obedience and increasing faith to obey even more.  Here’s how it works. When we purpose to obey God—impossible to fully do on our own—we step out in faith, knowing that we are not “riding solo.”