Joshua told the people, ritually consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will perform miraculous deeds among you. But stay about three thousand feet behind it. Keep your distance so you can see which way you should go, for you have not traveled this way before. Joshua 3:4-5 NET

Spring 2020 has rocketed the world, our Nation, into unprecedented times. I see this season as our consecration not isolation.

He is drawing us near He is not punishing nor condemning He is refining and positioning it certainly has been a time of quiet, inner reflection, laughter, confusion, joy and seeking...Maybe our hearts have been broken, and we wonder if we will be able to go on, look up and see the light of Jesus casting love over us..... maybe we wonder if God cares about us in the midst of a global crisis, He does for He calls us children of God.... {tweetme}Maybe we can’t see Jesus through our tears, but He can see us. {/tweetme}He’s standing next to each one of us, I promise. He is aware of what we are going through. He knows our pain, and He calls us by name. Turn to Him and see the Lord of all for who He really is..... life will never be same, because Jesus is near.  HALLELUJAH!