In response they sang, praising and glorifying the Lord, for He is good, His loyal love for His children will last forever.  Ezra 3:11 NET

God is good. God is good to those who are in Christ.

When we are tempted to despair, we have but to look at our good God. In every situation, like the sun that still shines even when dark clouds block its rays, God is still good. Satan is busy to make us doubt this. He has tried to interfere with God’s motives from the very beginning, telling the first couple that God was keeping them from the forbidden fruit because He didn’t want them to be like Him. They did not trust the goodness of God.

So where are we to look to make certain He is good? Where is His grace and goodness known? In our great Redeemer’s blood.  Jesus Christ, once crowned with thorns, is forever crowned in glory.

{tweetme}When viruses or tragedies or conflicts tempt us to distrust our King, we have a particular place to look: His cross. {/tweetme}There He proves His goodness beyond question. There He hangs, the spotless One, the Son of God, the Creator of the world — there He dies, flanked by two criminals, all for the sins of His people. He made our plight His own. He became sin, who knew no sin, that in Him, we might become the righteousness of God. And He rose in triumph, proving that our sins are forgiven in Him, by the goodness of God.