But now, O Lord, upon what am I relying? You are my only hope! Psalms 39:7 NET
Holy Spirit leads, directs, guides, provides and covers all the bases in our lives. He covers our past, present and future with forgiveness and healing, with grace, promise, preparation and provision.
Throughout the Bible we read about how God continuously covers His children when we seek and follow His will, word and way. The Lord deserves all the glory and praise for creating us and covering each area of our lives by His spirit, no matter how big or how small we perceive our issues to be. God covers all! When we face any situation that seems hopeless remember that Holy Spirit has been our advocate since before we were born, taking us through the journey of life that He predestined for us with every tool we need. Don’t worry, don’t fret, when we are discouraged remember God has not only covered us with promise and provision but He has also covered us in encouragement and love by and through His word!
{tweetme}But now, O Lord, upon what am I relying? You are my only hope! Psalms 39:7 NET{/tweetme}