He said, Look, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God! Acts 7:56 CSB

November 26/17. And the heavens opened....

It’s after church around noon standing in the kitchen looking out through the cold rain to the hills in the distance. The clouds opened and a bright light shone through....

Holy Spirit spoke thru me “and the heavens of God shall open and heal the lands there is great joy and great chaos...”

Then at the bottom of the cloud opening I saw the face and form of Jesus mixed with the greys, silvers and golds of the clouds and He was enormous and moving and looking down on the hills..... I stood in awe and wonder and felt tears streaming down my cheeks. Christ is coming. He is here. 

We are all sinners. We have all committed acts that bring hurt and shame to us and others.  Don't flinch or look away. Stand. Make declarations about who you are now as a brother or sister in Christ and what you have in Christ.  {tweetme}When the devil hears you assert your identity in Christ, he no longer sees only you; he sees Jesus. {/tweetme} When you stand your ground by meditating on God's love and declaring His Word, you will beat the devil down.  Now is the time, we must not lose souls, we must step forth solid on God’s word for His glory for His kingdom..... we cannot cower in fear of rejection in comfort of complacency.... we must reach out strongly to those we encounter. God is moving their lives into our paths and our lives into theirs so that they may hear our story of redemption and in turn pray to Jesus for mercy and salvation. Reflecting the day after the vision. Jesus was and is always calm, beautiful, peaceful and tender yet His image was distinctly a call to battle.