So then, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; what is old has passed away – look, what is new has come! And all these things are from God who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and who has given us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 NET

Jesus Christ brings a renewed outlook to our perceptions, a wholeness to broken parts, unconditional forgiveness, and life giving teachings. We have all committed acts that bring hurt and shame to us and others.  Don't flinch or look away. Jesus stands with us. Make declarations about who you are now as a brother or sister in Christ and what you have in Christ.  {tweetme}When the devil hears us assert our identity in Christ, he no longer sees a lost person; he sees Jesus. {/tweetme} When we stand our ground by meditating on God's Word, the Bible, and declaring His love, we will beat the devil down....

Now, today, is the time! we must not lose souls.... we must step forth standing solid on God’s word for His glory, for His kingdom..... we cannot halt in fear of rejection, or dwell in the comfort of complacency, we must reach out strongly to those we encounter. God is moving their lives into our paths and our lives into theirs so that they may hear our story of redemption and in turn pray to Jesus for mercy and salvation. Talk to people, and if that is not always an opportunity, pray for them! Jesus teaches us that through our active and intercession focused prayer life we can be voices to God blocking the enemy from stealing and robbing lives of peace, of health, of faith, of eternity with Him. It is the Lord who acts on our prayers and praises.... send up praise reports as well as prayer requests. There are times when the Lord is about to reproach or rebuke or punish, our prayers can stand in the gap and intercede for people. 


and by His grace put all of our trust in the gospel—which is the power of God for salvation (Rom. 1:16).

Let’s face it, we are fragile, we seek approval, often we don’t want to make others uncomfortable at the idea of presenting the gospel, fearing what people might think of us. Certainly, it is important to be sensitive about what people think of us when it keeps in check insensitivity and obnoxiousness. Nevertheless, if we fear what people might think of us, then we may inadvertently drift toward idolatry.

Let me explain: We should be motivated by what God thinks about us—and He loves us. Giving greater preference to what others think of us instead of what God thinks of us honors others more than God and is a form of idolatry. The antidote to this idolatry is to grow deeper in the love of God and to discover our identity in that love. Accept the Lord’s amazing grace and  be a witness for the gospel of Christ, it flows naturally out of His love for us. He made us for Himself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Him. The antidote to human restlessness is the discovery that God is the object of our deepest longing. We live in a world where people, at some level, sense the vacuum in their hearts. Let's be people who share the Gospel willingly, freely, because men and women need to know God loves them. If we have lived one moment of honest human life, then we recognize that we desperately long for unconditional love. Human love is good as far as it goes. But honest people are aware that they have never loved anyone perfectly, and therefore are aware it is unlikely a mere mortal has ever loved them perfectly either.

Only God, who knows us utterly, loves us unconditionally.  Furthermore, the God who loves us without condition forgives our every sin and flaw through our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  In Christ alone, that deep-felt need to be noticed, valued and forgiven is satisfied. Sharing the gospel of Christ points men and women to God who loves unconditionally and forgives thoroughly.