And God will exalt you in due time, if you humble yourselves under His mighty hand by casting all your cares on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7 NET

Proper healing doesn’t come when we bypass the process and seek the world's comforts. Rather, it comes when we seek God. The difference between healing and not healing lies in the source. We long for the heaviness to lift and feel peace. turn to God. We desire to feel free from the shame and condemnation. {tweetme}Turn to God. Can you imagine what it feels like to experience wholeness and restoration? You will know it when you turn to God. He’s the answer to our healing. {/tweetme}

Our sin doesn't disqualify us from grace, it QUALIFIES US.  it's not enough for us to say we WERE blind. We must also be able to say that now we CAN see. That God is certainly not done with us, but that He's working in our hearts. We can't claim to know God and not be found worshiping Him - He is too great.  Share Jesus Christ and His impact in our lives with others.  If we truly believe what we say we believe, we won’t be able to help sharing it with others because our life has been changed, it's the only real freedom we can have here on earth.

He is also ready to do more than that, He is ready to call us His children, to fill us with Holy Spirit and give us a completely new life. He promises to replace our guilt and shame with His joy!  Our salvation won’t mean we will not struggle anymore. On the contrary, because we have now decided to live for God, follow His direction in our careers, hobbies, families, we may face trials and temptations that we’ve never even faced before.  For a Christian, repentance, restoration and forgiveness are not a license to sin, but a means to restore our relationship with God. Repentance is a lifestyle. The greatest evidence of this is when we show the world is that we are constantly willing to submit ourselves to the Lordship of Christ and allow Him to change the things in our life that do not bring honor to Him.  I am so very humbled and grateful that we can look into our own lives, give up all pride, confess our sins and leave them behind.