I repeat, be strong and brave! Don’t be afraid and don’t panic, for I, the LORD your God, am with you in all you do.”  Joshua 1:9 NET

We speak with one voice, offering God's truth in a swirl of worldly lies, whispering hope in the world's self­-destruction.  {tweetme}Every interaction we have throughout the course of a day either builds up our culture or breaks it down.{/tweetme} It either blesses other people or burdens them by adding unnecessary drag. Thinking through every interaction engaged in yesterday/today we should ask ourselves which added clutter to a life by adding unnecessary drag to someone else?  This is why we tell people about Jesus. We long for others to know of His love and forgiveness. Resting in the very love and forgiveness of Christ authenticates our witness and gives it vitality. Caring about men and women who have not yet encountered the grace of God will fuel our actions. 

If we waited until we thought we were ready to share the gospel, the mission of God shared through His people would come to a halt.  We cannot wait until we are comfortably ready. We have to accept that we often function awkwardly throughout life—and that is OK. Every new endeavour in life reveals that we are awkward, if we are not awkward some place in our lives, then we are just not growing.  For others, the uncomfortableness may be a result of watching those who shared the gospel abusively. There are those who use the Bible as if it were a club to coerce and bludgeon people to God. Such insensitivity seldom bears kingdom fruit. But if we judged any segment of society by its worst examples, nobody could stand. To cease our witness to the world around us because of negative Christian interactions in an age where abuse or silence is society's accepted option, sharing the gospel with a graceful demeanour affirms the Lord’s message and goes a long way toward healing of broken lives and reconciliation of our hearts to God.