When they saw Him, they worshiped Him, but some doubted. Then Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:17-20 NET

{tweetme}Be Strong And Courageous. {/tweetme}The baton is now in your hand. Is this now the time to go all in for God’s job offer? For His kingdom’s employment? The Lord’s promise is in front of you and the emergency brake has been released. The expansive resources of this land are now available... to you and to His people.  That’s right.. we are chosen. We are not forsaken. We are who He says we are. Holy Spirit speaks, “I want you to step out; to march into uncertainty with the confidence that every place is yours. It’s yours because it’s Mine. The fire that I ignited in your soul when you scouted the land can now be fanned into a blaze. Move forward. Occupy the land. Occupy the streets. No dream is too big. No territory too untamed. I’m here: not just for tomorrow or the next day, but for all of the days of your life.  Set your heart, your mind, and your soul on the things that I have communicated to you. Don’t just use them as a reference book, but as a guide for life, look I have brought you into a family, together you will work for My kingdom”.

God’s purpose and promises have not changed. Maybe our circumstances have, or our employment situation, but His word is unchanging. It’s time to occupy the promises of God. It’s time to cross the river of doubt and take possession of what He has already given to us.  The Lord our God is strong and mighty. He has not lost His power to do more than we could ask or imagine.  God is stirring, now as He always has. Be strong and courageous.  This is our mission, our divine appointment, to be ambassadors of Christ. In all of the stress, and worry of attempting to find our personal “calling,” we have moved right past our responsibility as adopted sons and daughters of the Holy One. We’ve been brought to life. Rescued from death, and now must share the message of God’s reconciliation. How each of us does this will look different. Some of us will lead families, others businesses, and others churches.  

All of us playing our part in the reconciliation, revival,  of the world. All of its many parts gathered as one body, pointing the world towards Jesus Christ. Our mission is this, that we would live lives worthy of the Gospel, that we would allow ourselves to be internally changed, that we would create external effect, and in His way, reconcile the world to His word. There is no formula that leads to a transformed life. God changes lives with the precision of an architect, but the mystery of the wind. When we lift our sails, He fills them, invisibly, but unmistakably, He fills them.