For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people.  Titus 2:11 NET

God, how we thank and praise You for the everlasting life that You have given to us by Your wonderful friendship and love. May we grow day by day to be more like You, full of compassion, forgiveness, mercy and kindness. Saturate our hearts with Your love, so that we may reflect Your grace and Your beauty in thought, word and deed. I pray for Holy Spirit’s guidance as we devote time and energy to reflect on all You are and all You have done for Your people, so that You are magnified more and more on the streets around us. We pray that the beauty of our Lord Jesus may be seen and reflected in us. We pray hope, we pray healing, we pray deliverance, we pray love, we pray rejoicing, we pray salvation, we pray revival, we pray forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!