The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him. John 1:9-10

God, thank You for giving this world Jesus Christ, Who is the great example of a man who walked in spirit and truth and who waited upon God. A man with a servant-heart and a desire to do Your will. Yes Lord, thank You for Jesus, who throughout His life, demonstrated Himself to be a person that would wait on You in every situation and do only those things that He heard from You. In the power of Holy Spirit, we pray that we too may learn how to wait on You and quietly rest in Your will. God, we want to be emptied of self so that we may be filled with You. We pray hope, we pray healing, we pray deliverance, we pray love, we pray rejoicing, we pray salvation, we pray revival, we pray forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!