But for this purpose I have caused you to stand: to show you My strength, and so that My name may be declared in all the earth.  Exodus 9:16 NET

God the Father, not only breathes life into our nostrils, He speaks words of life into our very souls. He generously dispenses the treasure of His truth to those who put aside anything that might compromise profound moments at the feet of the Messiah. This is our mission, our divine appointment, to be ambassadors of Christ. In all of the stress, and worry of attempting to find our personal “calling,” we have moved right past our responsibility as adopted sons and daughters of the Holy One. Remembe though, we have been brought to life. Rescued from death by a gracious Heavenly Father, and now we must share the message of God’s reconciliation. Even the most outstanding cause can become a distraction if it takes us away from the feet of Jesus Christ. Acts of mercy and justice return empty ­handed if they do not flow from the embrace of Christ. In contrast, our passion to serve is renewed through the humility of submitting to the King.  The Lord of Lords.

Until next time may God continue to bless your adventures, see you soon...