Jesus responded, “Deception will run rampant with many who will appear on the scene, saying I have sent them, or saying about themselves, ‘I am the Messiah!’ And the doomsday deceivers will say, ‘The end of the age is now here!’ But listen to Me. Don’t be fooled by these imposters. There will also be many wars and revolutions on every side, with rumors of more wars to come. Don’t panic or give in to your fears, for these things are bound to happen. This is still not the end yet.  Luke 21:8-9 TPT

Jesus gave us forewarning that these tragedies would come as satan works to destroy the beauty and peace that God designed for our world.

In the last days before His death, Jesus laid out for His followers the signs that would help us identify our place in earth’s history and know when we are approaching the end.    

He points His disciples, us, again and again to His ultimate victory over the destructive work of the enemy. 

There’s victory in Jesus, my saviour, forever.