For God did not give us a Spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.  2 Timothy 1:7 NET

We cannot allow our fears of failing to keep us from reaching our full potential.

Too often do we allow fear to paralyze us. We sit and wait until we are no longer afraid, when we could have acted long before. I know that I live this way all too often. Yet God has a plan in place for us, and it may require we step out of the realm of our comfort zones. It may be uncomfortable. We may be scared and not feel ready, but we will be prepared when it’s time because the Lord makes a way for us, every time.  

A clear perspective reminds us that fear is nothing. {tweetme}Fear is a mirage. It’s a temporary emotion based on a temporary situation.{/tweetme} A tool that the enemy uses to keep us stagnant. Fear is a natural response to the unknown, but we can’t allow fear to control our life.  Often, fear is what comes before change, and change is necessary for growth. Our trust in God must be stronger than our fear of failure.  Our faith must triumph over fear. God puts us in situations of uncomfortability for a reason.  Seek Holy Spirit, ask for His wisdom to know that in everything we do in His name, we will be covered in His will.  And then realize that failures are stepping stones on the journey with Jesus Christ, not to be feared, but to be learned from. Fear is only a setback if we allow it to be so.  By amazng grace we know God is greater than our fears, mistakes, anxieties or failures.