For whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit. 1 Peter 3:10 NET
When we are not speaking life, and worse, when we are in fact speaking death, then death is all that we can expect to receive. Death of a friendship, a relationship. Death of fellowship with Jesus. There are few things around us that we can actively control. However our response to, and conversations about, the situations that we go through, are within our control.
Speaking life is easy when life is going well. But holding onto an inner peace in the midst of outer turmoil is difficult. During times of hardship, we turn to the Bible. And our best advice to you is to read the Bible. Then reread it. because the word of God reminds us what He says about speaking life. The power of life and death is in the tongue.
The meaning behind speaking life (with words of grace, forgiveness, understanding and compassion just to name a few) is that we have real God-given power to help others.
I believe that speaking life all comes down directly to our perspective. We can’t always control the circumstances or surroundings. Bad things happen to good people sometimes. Good things happen to bad people.
We can, however, control our outlook towards these situations...... By keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ. And when we spend time with Him, His way pours into us, changing us, realigning perspectives, pivoting our eyes off of the world and onto Him, eternal life.