Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest? Jesus said to him, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.  Matthew 22:36-40 NET


Jesus’ commandment to love one another is not just a theory!  Our communion of love with our brothers and sisters in Christ really becomes concrete when we gather together intentionally as Christ’s disciples, to share fellowship, worship and prayer in the power of  Holy Spirit.

The more that we encounter Jesus Christ together in humility and patience, the more prejudice diminishes, the more we discover Christ in one another, and the more we become authentic witnesses to the kingdom of God.  Even as we hunger for both God and community, we must remember to make space for those who God is adding to our community. Just as Jesus had shared with His disciples.

Matthew 18:20 AMP "For wherever two or three are gathered (drawn together as My followers) in (into) My name, there I AM in the midst of them".

At times coming together as Christians, united by God yet very different from each other as individuals, can seem very daunting,  complicated. But joyful fellowship, voices joined together in songs of worship, a shared meal and common prayer are ways of apostolic simplicity. In these shared moments we obey the commandment to love one another, and proclaim our Amen! to Christ’s prayer for unity.

Acts 2:42 NASB "they were continually devoting themselves to the apostle’s teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer".

From the earliest days of the church, God has been present when believers gathered. In Acts early believers met together, Holy Spirit came like the wind, filling the place and causing those gathered there to speak in tongues. When any unique individual is wholly present in a community, that community is naturally strengthened.

That's fellowship.

When we take our place in the community of believers though, the community is additionally strengthened supernaturally by God's presence - and especially so when we have faith for God's presence. Hallelujah!!!!!

Maybe you have never attended church, or it has been a while since you have attended and taken your place in the community of believers. Or perhaps you have been present physically at church but are lacking faith of God's presence. Let this moment be a turning point for you. Determine that you will be found to be present and faith-filled in the community of God not only this weekend but every day. The church operates best when all the parts, His children, are present and working. Together.   That means we set aside our sense of self that's is fuelled by emotion, let go of expectations of how others should behave or act, and reach for Jesus knowing only He can fulfill our needs, wants, our insecurities. Then we can join our fellowship freely and unconstrained by a hurt ego.

One of the best things I discovered about taking place in the community of God's people, our church family, is the journey of discovering not only my unique purpose but being part of everyone discovering theirs. Unified by a cause so much greater than ourselves - the cause of Christ - provides us with an opportunity to use what God has placed in our hands for His glory and to be a blessing to others.

Let’s take some moments this week in prayer and talk to Holy Spirit about how to develop the talents, gifts and passions He has given us and use them to bless others. Build His church.  His family. Ask Him to help find the right 'place' in His community. {tweetme}Be not just present AT CHURCH, be present IN CHURCH, BE THE CHURCH.{/tweetme}  Invested in others. In relationship with others. Community.