I heard the voice of the sovereign master say, Whom will I send? Who will go on our behalf?” I answered, “Here I am, send me!  Isaiah 6:8 NET

I am going to just take a moment and ask: 

  • do you believe that God has a calling for each and every one of us?
  • or do you think only some people are called by God?
  • do you think you have found your calling but do not think you are worthy of God’s call?
  • or have you,  without any self doubt found God’s calling in your life?

I think we can all answer yes to these questions at one point or another. When it comes to God’s purpose for our lives, actually our calling, the definition is fundamentally this ...... 

  • Called by God:
  • it is God’s call upon us to serve Him,
  • Ministry is My Calling,
  • becoming a pastor is God calling me to service, (not to be confused with purpose though they often go hand in hand)
  • To glorify God is our purpose.

There are endless callings we serve throughout our lifetime. We are called by God to be parents, to raise healthy Christian children who in turn grow up and share God’s  joy and salvation with others, to be single, to be married, maybe our calling is to teach, to be a doctor, to be a janitor, an artist, a prophet, God’s callings on our life are as varied as the people He created. Us. 

I would like to share a piece of a conversation I had with a friend as a group of us were gathered after Sunday service a few weeks ago. It was a great question, rather more like a statement, along the lines of  “so tell me about God’s call on your life": it was a valued moment that I will remember and it gave me a feeling of fellowship. I was nervous and excited to share the Lord’s call upon my life.  As I listened to our friend's encouragement and interest on my calling I sifted through my thoughts looking for the right way to describe my coming into the knowledge of God's purpose for my life - and I think during our conversation I somewhat explained the moment I heard God's voice - but reflecting back on the afternoon  I realized that the answer/reply was simple: far simpler than I had tried to express. God told me His purpose for my life, I said ok, and I did not look back.

{tweetme}Proverbs 19:21 NIV "many are the plans in a persons heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails"{/tweetme}

As we step forward in obedience to God’s call on our lives and our purpose, the vision becomes clear: God makes a way - although it is sometimes easy to get caught up in the enthusiasm of our calling, ( it's a feeling of peace yet energized with new life by Holy Spirit ) and by all means we should make a plan. but be aware it is God’s plan - that it is God’s will - that it is not our earthly wants and desires that will determine our steps.

Matthew 22:14 NIV "for many are invited but few are chosen"

God does not recruit us without a calling. God calls everybody to use the gifts and the passions that He has given us. Gifts that we have always had even if not yet discovered. but not everyone picks up on God’s voice. The only way we are going to hear Holy Spirit  is if we listen. And in order to listen we have got to be quiet. We have got to find quiet. Away from incidental distractions. We have got to get alone and spend time with God reading the Bible.   We are so blessed to have God, Holy Spirit, longing to talk with us. To enter into a life long relationship with us. God calls us to His purpose. And God waits patiently for us to answer.

Romans 8:30 NIV "and those He predestined He also called those He called He also justified those He justified He also glorified"

There are endless moments in our lives - etched or erased - yet the one that is remembered with absolute clarity is the inner awakening of a despairing soul in danger of fading into the black - danger and despair - residue of our own moral failure - tasting raw fear - clinging to God's word - emerging from vast emptiness - the Father's forgiveness to a starved sinner is life saving.

The Lord lifted me ... lifted with strong gentle persistence ... the Lord lifted me ... lifted with grace fortitude purpose ... the Lord lifted me ... lifted out of the dark ... the Lord lifted me ... lifted with love to walk through the doors of endings ... the Lord lifted me ... lifted into His light of beginnings.

When we are seeking to hear God's call on our life finding fellowship with other Christians will have a profound effect on the journey.  And actually, throughout all aspects of our lives, fellowship with other Christians is so important. Those relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ will give us much needed love, understanding, support, affirmation and encouragement.

Job 22:27 NIV "you will pray to Him and He will hear you and you will fulfill your vows".

In as much as we need fellowship with other Christians we need extended time alone with God; we won't hear God's call on our life if we don't get alone with Him.   It could be any time of the day or night. In our habit of busy getting alone with God may seem impossible.  Noble intentions produce cluttered souls and squander opportunities to harvest moments of solitude with Jesus. But maybe it will be possible to find a moment before work in the morning, maybe while doing the dishes after dinner. However the pause in each day comes about we must be still with God. The more quiet time we can make a priority in our life the louder God's message can come through. Remember, when our Father calls upon us He gives us just enough evidence so that those who want Him can have Him. Those who want to follow the clues will. But we have to be able to hear those clues. Be still. Invite God in. Welcome Him into our thoughts. Speak to Him. Sing to Him. However we converse is between each of us and God. We must listen. For He speaks to every one of us. Those who hear are those who become filled with Holy Spirit and will continue the walk with Jesus.

Ephesians 2:10 NIV for we are God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Until we know Jesus Christ we are are just existing. But when we understand our destiny and we know what God has called us to do, we are willing to go for it. We are willing to abandon everything. For some knowing what God has called us to do and making the faith commitment to do it means setting goals. For others making the faith commitment means simply having faith in the knowledge God will lead us where he calls us.

Revelation 17:14 NIV  “they will wage war against the Lamb but the Lamb will triumph over them because He is lord of lords and king of kings and with Him will be His called chosen and faithful followers”

To be chosen by God is both a blessing and a test.... We must prove our faith again and again no matter the hardship no matter the loss no matter the cost for God provides all for all who follow Him faithfully.

Job 42:2 NIV "I know that You can do all things no purpose of Yours can be thwarted"

Do not fall prey to the whispers of the enemy - for he will tempt you away from God’s calling into a life of misery - if he gains a foothold he will shackle your very will - instead breathe in fortitude - keep God's purpose in your heart and Jesus' name on your lips - your day's work will bring joy in the souls freedom. The closer you are to God the easier to follow the guiding love of Holy Spirit. Jesus will be at your side, the enemy will not be victorious in deafening you to God’s word.  Satan will not be able to distract you from God’s call upon you.

1 chronicles 28:10 NIV "consider now for the Lord has chosen you to build a house as a sanctuary. Be strong and do the work. "

I may not know what your story looks like. I do not know what the innermost parts of your heart look like, but God does. The Father does not see a sinner, a failure, or any of the labels you have put on yourself. He only sees you. His son. His daughter. All worthy of His love and forgiveness. Worthy of His calling on your life. Worthy of His grace. So remember this, God has chosen you. And in His choosing He offers choice. Does that make sense? I mean really it comes down to this, God has a job for you, a job you were created for. Either build upon that job or stay home. But I guarantee you staying home will lead to an empty unfulfilled life. Be strong! Be brave! Do the work!