Now the earth was without shape and empty, and darkness was over the surface of the watery deep, but the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1-2 NET
Imagine as far back in time as you can. Before earth. Before our universe. God was there. But He wasn’t alone. God is three in One. Three different forms of one God.
God the Father of all that is all that was and all that will be. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, made into man. Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God that dwells among us. Each one uniquely expresses God’s nature to us, but none is greater than the other.
In Genesis, when God created everything, it was actually the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as One, working together.
While Jesus was on the earth, He was only obeying His Father. He didn’t do anything on His own but only what He saw His Father do. When His curious disciples asked Him to show them the Father, He said, “If you’ve seen Me, then you’ve seen the Father.”
{tweetme}Basically, Jesus was telling them that He was God in physical form. God the Father has no physical form, but Jesus is God in man. Through Jesus, the love of God became something tangible we could see and feel.{/tweetme}
But, as Jesus’ time on earth was nearing an end, He made a promise. He told His followers it would be best for them if He went back to Heaven because then God would send them Holy Spirit. In the same way that Jesus became the body of God in tangible form, Holy Spirit revealed Himself as the mind of God living inside of us.
So, Holy Spirit leads us to the truth. He’s the very mind of God, available to us at all times because He lives within us when we choose to follow Jesus Christ. Amazing grace! He’s the voice that fills your head with God’s thoughts. Intimate. Close. Personal.