How blessed is he whose wrongdoing is forgiven, Whose sin is covered! How blessed is a person whose guilt the Lord does not take into account, And in whose spirit there is no deceit! When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away Through my groaning all day long. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality failed as with the dry heat of summer. I acknowledged my sin to You, And I did not hide my guilt; I said, “I will confess my wrongdoings to the Lord”; And You forgave the guilt of my sin.  Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to You in a time when You may be found; Certainly in a flood of great waters, the enemy will not reach us. You are my hiding place; You keep me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah. Psalms 32:1-7 NASB

So, yes, the world is in chaos, all is not as it should be…. be still for a moment and you will see: God is in charge. He is the Lord of the wind and the waves. And one day He will utter the words that make the storm to cease at last, and all shall be well. Peace will come.

But until the return of Jesus….  In the days weeks months ahead there will be so many world reasons to be distracted and so many theories and experts and scholars speaking out, please let’s each remember that our intentional time with Jesus, the time we spend deeply prayerfully reading the Bible is absolutely essential for living now - we cannot possibly keep our heads above water and be joyful, dynamic, and powerful Christians apart from a daily walk with Christ. The time is now, like we share often here decide now! Jesus is calling Christians to repent of all our sins, He is open to receiving us as we dedicate our journey to Him, with all our love, trust and faith, with full surrender. 

It will make the difference between success and failure in our salvation walk.  It will make the difference between being complacent in the comforts the world offers and stretching out of those comforts to help others. It will make a difference in our habits, in our prayer life, in our Bible reading, in our giving, in our testimony, and in our church attendance! United as the body of Christ, able to withstand the adversary as it seeks to overthrow God’s creation. 

We get to hang out with Jesus, forgiven, with full assurance that God is going to deliver the person who puts their trust and confidence in Him.  praise God! Because down through the centuries in times of trouble, temptation, trial, bereavement, and crisis, God has brought courage to the hearts of those who love Him. The Bible is flowing with assurances of God’s help and comfort in every kind of trouble -  testings which cause fears to arise in the human heart. Because these could very well be the days taught through God’s living Word.