With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and to this end be alert, with all perseverance and requests for all the saints.  Ephesians 6:18 NET

The reason I feel passionately about reading the Bible every single day is because my life used to be pieces of shattered stained glass. And that was the problem. It was my life separated from the healing friendship with Holy Spirit. 

{tweetme}But something happened. God broke through the walls I’d built around my crashing life. {/tweetme} He did it through the word, His Holy Bible.  And the Bible taught me how to pray, how to love again, how to forgive, how to find joy no matter my sorrows. And it is the same for anyone who asks Holy Spirit into our lives, anyone who turns to Jesus as our teacher.

And with perseverance, trusting and believing God’s grace, the Lord creates a healed, beautiful, stained glass window out of all the pieces.