In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  Genesis 1:1 NASB

This weekend we will be turning over another calendar year. We do not know what lies ahead, but by faith we know that God does. As His people, we will lift our heads high, keep our eyes focused and fixed on Jesus Christ in the horizon. The Christian life, the church, our faith, our purpose, our ministry vocation -  are not about us, they’re about God—His plan, His kingdom, His glory.

This is precisely why the first four words of the Bible are such important words: “In the beginning, God . . .” These are four resounding, impactful words that announce God’s plan. They really do change everything, from the way that we are to think about our identity and the purpose God has mapped out for each of us to the way that we approach even the most simple, ordinary pieces of our daily life.