And Jesus said to them, “How many loaves do you have?” And they said, “Seven, and a few small fish.” And He directed the people to sit down on the ground; and He took the seven loaves and the fish; and giving thanks, He broke them and started giving them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people.  Matthew 15:34-36 NASB

Pulling up a seat alongside Jesus and abandoning a life of judging others, of taking offence and complaining will remove the dark blot over our hearts, and instead of scattered thoughts we will be recognizing the gift of undeserved relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 

That being the case, the heart posture of “sitting at Jesus’ feet” can indeed include quietly listening to His words or diligently seeking His counsel.  And it can also include…handling a frustrating situation or resolving a conflict… encountering a person in need or engaging in a conversation with someone far from God.   

All it requires is asking Jesus to be your teacher in the moment. To consider how He would act and then do likewise. 

And I know sitting quietly isn’t an easy task - For me prayer is a continuous ebb and flow between peace and chaos, calm and noisy thoughts, having both focus and a discombobulated mind. In the midst of my struggle, I’m pretty sure that God is there cheering me on.  And He is doing the same for You as you sit alongside Him. 

When we discover the life we have in Jesus, when we experience His love, forgiveness, redemption, acceptance, and the purpose that He injects into our lives, we cannot keep it to ourselves. 

It’s the same thing when we spend time with Jesus on the road and at the table, and when we believe that Jesus Christ, being God, gave His life for us and rose from the dead, Jesus will make Himself present, and His peace will fill you. 

Colossians 3:1 NASB Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

What if we would wake up each morning and take some time to sit at Jesus’ feet?  To see if He might have a word for us as we enter into the day?

And then what if we sit in that moment whispering a prayer: Jesus, I want to ‘sit at Your feet’ throughout this day. I want to think, speak, and act as one who has spent time with You, learned from You, and is seeking to follow after You.

Let’s make a decision and choose to walk day by day following Jesus as we serve others on this journey of faith. Decide to spend time seated with God and pull out a chair for others, inviting them to His table. Let’s choose not only to be a resident of Gods kingdom here on earth for our own good and satisfaction but for the good of others as well!