No longer will they build a house only to have another live in it, or plant a vineyard only to have another eat its fruit, for My people will live as long as trees, and My chosen ones will enjoy to the fullest what they have produced. They will not work in vain, or give birth to children that will experience disaster. For the LORD will bless their children and their descendants.  Isaiah 65:22-23 NET

{tweetme}God, thank You for Your steady provision. These days are financially difficult for so many of us.  Yet You make a way for us even if we don't at first see it.{/tweetme} Millions are in the midst of unemployment and lay-offs, Holy Spirit give us wisdom and hope to see more good days ahead, we need Your endurance and calm, forgiveness and joy to carry to a hurting world. Our workplaces can frequently be tied to nothing but a paycheck, or to producing something for someone else. It’s a day after day transaction – something we do in exchange for something we get. Help us not to get stuck in that rut. Instead, show us the significance of where You have led us to work and in what we can do while on the job so that it impacts people for Your kingdom in a profound way. Whether that is in expanding our influence in careers, in the office, with co-workers or even in what we do while self-employed. Lord, as You will it, cause our work to grow and open doors that only You can open. It matters not how significant our job titles are what matters is what You do with it for Your glory and for the good of others. We pray hope, we pray healing, we pray deliverance, we pray love, we pray rejoicing, we pray salvation, we pray revival, we pray forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!