God, give me mercy from Your fountain of forgiveness! I know Your abundant love is enough to wash away my guilt. Because Your compassion is so great, take away this shameful guilt of sin. Forgive the full extent of my rebellious ways, and erase this deep stain on my conscience.  Psalms 51:1-2 TPT

Lord of all that is, all that was, and all that will be, You are just, God, fair in Your dealings and gracious to those who obey You and live to honor You. You remind us time and again that life will not always be comfortable or easy, and You lovingly warn us to be watchful of obstacles and anticipate hardships. But You also assure us of Your constant presence, Your faithful support and Your gracious forgiveness when we stumble. Help us to persevere, knowing Your Word is true and Your rewards are certain, here now and with our Salvation. We pray hope, we pray healing, we pray deliverance, we pray love, we pray rejoicing, we pray salvation, we pray revival, we pray forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!