Jesus is coming, He is near, He is moving in. Our world is clearly facing the types of crises for which there is no way out but by the hand of God, Only He has the answers. the solutions to our individual problems and the answers to humanity’s turmoil will only come by Holy Spirit’s revelation of the Christ. So my friends, we had best ask ourselves if we, as God’s people, are ready to receive Jesus into our lives and prepare for His return?The days are moving quickly, those who believe in Jesus Christ must get back to the basics of His truth, relying on faith unseen, accepting Holy Spirit’s supernatural presence, receiving forgiveness at the cross, believing in Christ’s resurrection, trusting the power of God, the blood of Christ, and other potent spiritual realities God has unveiled in His word to those who believe. This is the only way we, God’s people, can stand firm as brothers and sisters united by Jesus, singing worship carried to Him on hands raised with praise for our magnificent Lord, all while ministering to the fracturing world around us in the cities, towns, families and communities God has invited us to join Him in. Amen.
Jesus Remains Steady
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