Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. Matthew 7:17 NET

When the fruit of the Spirit is absent, gifts lose their effectiveness. In Galatians 5:22-23, Paul says, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The fruit of the Spirit should be evident in all who abide in Christ, but not all the gifts are given to all believers. The fruit of the Spirit defines who a believer is, but the gifts of the Spirit define what a believer does.  Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. Its a point to remember that spiritual gifts are not the same as natural talents.

Spiritual gifts are not the same as natural talents. Every human beingChristian and non-Christian alike is created in Gods own image, and by virtue of being created in Gods own image, we are born with natural talents. But the gifts of  Holy Spirit are different from the natural talents we are born with.

Talents inspire and entertain, but spiritual gifts build up the body of Christ. Something supernatural happens when a gift is exercised that does not happen when a talent is used. Make no mistake though; the Lord can use a talent, as well as a spiritual gift, to glorify His name.

The idea is that while we are operating in our purpose in life we are fulfilling  God’s purpose, by using our natural talents, such as leadership skills, artistic skills, compassion, kindness, and even encouragement to glorify God and lead others to Him. 

We have all been equipped with certain gifts and talents by God to accomplish His plan, and it all leads to one specific end, and that is to be a witness for Him. Every one of us was created to be a witness for Jesus. 

It does not mean that once we become a Christian that we have to leave our jobs and families and go off on mission to a different country to help the poor. While helping poor people should be a piece of  our concerns God does not always expect us to leave life as we know it unless there is a specific call on our lives for far away missions. But His purpose is also for us to use the platform we have been given through our talents and gifting to be a witness right where we are.  On our street. In our workplace.  So it doesn't matter what region we may be in, the fact is, this specific community now transforms into a witnessing field.