From that time on Jesus began to proclaim His message with these words: Keep turning away from your sins and come back to God, for heaven’s kingdom realm is now accessible. Matthew 4:17 TPT
The Kingdom of God has come to earth through Jesus. His work in restoring creation is now in process. He has begun the process of seeing His work done again on earth as it is in heaven. He commands us to voluntarily change our minds and our lives to allegiance to Him and alignment with His reign. Did you catch that?!? He voluntarily reaches out to us!
This is good news. He will right all wrongs. He will fix all that is broken. He gives us the opportunity to admit our sins, to repent...... to join Him in the renewed world forever. Our only alternative is to continue in our brokenness and, in the end, be forced to acknowledge His rule and face punishment as His enemies.
Mark 1:15 NET He said, The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the gospel!
Rejoicing, praying, and expressing gratitude is easy to do when life is going smoothly, i know, but what about when we are struggling just to get off the couch ? Jesus knew we would have difficult times, and His antidote for a stifled spirit is praise – praise in the middle of the struggle! Praise for His presence and promise of eternal life with Him! He loves you. He loves me. He died for us.
That is why it heals our brokenness and opens our hearts to rejoice in Him.
Deuteronomy 10:20-21 NET Revere the LORD your God, serve Him, be loyal to Him and take oaths only in His name. He is the One you should praise; He is your God, the One who has done these great and awesome things for you that you have seen.
Every day in life we face challenges: be it in our homes, the job, in our relationships, health or finances. Every one of us is subject to battles, but the way we deal with our challenges will make the difference in the outcome. I’ll say it again! Take hold of Jesus’ hand! He is right beside you, reaching for yours! Reaching for mine!
And I’m sure we have heard it said time and time again, "the battle is won or lost in the mind" and this is so true, apostle Paul admonishes us to renew our minds daily. Dive into the Bible, read a verse a day, read a chapter a day, but read God’s word, it renews our mind and refocuses our attention onto the author of life.
Romans 12:2 NET Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.
God designed us to be consumed with Him, but the enemy infiltrated, and now we spend His time thinking about us, our needs, our problems, our trials, our tribulations and a way out. While we may not have control of all the thoughts that run through our minds, we have the power to decide what stays, and our point of focus will determine where we end up.
Jesus understands, He loves, He corrects, He teaches, He repairs. Remember during His earlier time with us He was ministering to the “despised” tax collectors rather than societies perceived “good” people. That gives me hope for Those (me) who recognize we are not good and cannot be good and respond to Jesus’ offer to make us good are why He is among us. He doesn’t want people to cover up brokenness with good deeds and outward personas without affecting the heart that He causes to beat.
Matthew 3:11 NET I baptize you with water, for repentance, but the one coming after me is more powerful than I am – I am not worthy to carry His sandals. He will baptize you with Holy Spirit and fire.
Praise God! In His overwhelming care for humanity He has not left us stranded but has empowered us with an advocate to combat every lie of the enemy, Holy Spirit!
As we study, reflect on, His holiness, justice, goodness, and truth, and meditate on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, let us remember to examine our own hearts. Are our sins being addressed? What must we grab hold of by absolute faith? My friends, I pray we are receptive to the convicting work of Holy Spirit and the ministry of the Bible.
God wants us to be changed by His forgiveness, seeking Him, admitting to Him our sins, because trust me He knows every single piece of shrapnel in us left by sin, and ask for redemption, repent and stop doing what it is we must repent of! Like stop! Holy Spirit will be with you through the breaking of the enemy’s chains! He will pull us through and out of the mud! and then to offer that same grace to others. God commands humble hearts which in gratitude show mercy to others in the same way we are shown His mercy.