Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!  Lamentations 3:22-23 CSB

As Christ’s we are not elected by people. We are chosen and appointed by God!

He offers us acceptance and purpose. When we believe He has chosen us, even the deepest feelings of rejection can be replaced. When we believe we’re appointed for His work, that lack of self-worth is turned upside down.

As Christ’s, we also carry His name and His message. When Jesus was on Earth, He was the light of the world. But now He calls us that! Can you imagine? You me.... light carriers. The world is getting darker. Christians are being persecuted in horrifying numbers. But just like we see in Acts, the Church only grows stronger when we’re persecuted.

And when the world grows darker, the light shines brighter!

Whoa. God, thank You for bringing us together into Your family and giving us roles in Your Kingdom.