I will live enthroned with you forever! Guard me, God, with Your unending, unfailing love. Let me live my days walking in grace and truth before You.  Psalms 61:7 TPT

We rest in grace, we revel in grace, and we glory in grace. It’s the theme of the Bible. 

Grace is the song of our hearts, arms raised in glorifying praise to the Lord. 

It was the song of Apostle Paul’s heart. God’s grace is our only hope.

Romans 1:7 TPT  I write this letter to all His beloved chosen ones in Rome, for you have been divinely summoned to be holy. May His joyous grace and total well-being, flowing from our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, rest upon you.

The notion of God’s love coming to us free of charge, no strings attached, seems to go against every instinct of humanity. Yet we can walk in His love, become a new creation and believe by faith that the grace offered by our Savior, Jesus Christ, shows us God’s love is unconditional.

If you have received God’s free gift of life, then you are completely accepted, you are eternally forgiven, you are totally secure in God’s love. 

That’s grace.

Believe it. Enjoy it. Celebrate it. Praise God for it.