Revere the LORD your God, serve Him, be loyal to Him and take oaths only in His name. He is the One you should praise; He is your God, the One who has done these great and awesome things for you that you have seen. Deuteronomy 10:20-21 NET
Rejoicing, praying, and expressing gratitude is easy to do when life is going smoothly, I know, but what about when we are struggling just to get a foot out the door?
Jesus knew we would have difficult times, and His antidote for a stifled spirit is praise – not for the struggle, but for His presence and promise of eternal life with Him!
And those are all the right reasons to rejoice in Him. Every day in life we face challenges: be it in our homes, the job, in our relationships, health or finances. Every one of us is subject to battles, but the way we deal with our challenges will make the difference in the outcome. Take all of the worry, the heaviness of the circumstance, and lay it at the foot of the cross.
Jesus Christ is waiting, arms reaching down, for us to give it all to Him. He loves you. He loves me. Rejoice with our mighty, gracious God. Be people of faith, people of loyal hope in all the Jesus is.