But those who wait for the LORD’s help find renewed strength; they rise up as if they had eagles’ wings, they run without growing weary, they walk without getting tired. He gives strength to those who are tired; to the ones who lack power, he gives renewed energy. Isaiah 40:29, 31 NET
Majesty! His grace finds us just where we are, empty but alive in His hand, majesty.
He has taken the broken sins away and accepts us totally as we are only because of who and what we are in Christ. Our mighty God, full of grace, has done all of this because He loves each one of us.
He has not done it because we earned our worth, God the Father loves us enough to give up His Son to die on the cross for us. And Jesus loves us enough to voluntarily give Himself up to death for us.
His love was such that He laid down His life on our behalf so that we would never have to bear the guilt and penalty of our sin or have to come under the wrath and condemnation of God due to our disobedience. The gift of freedom we received from Jesus. His love was such that He took onto His own shoulders all of our sin and guilt and penalty, and He suffered what we would have suffered of God’s wrath and judgement.
{tweetme}There is therefore now nothing of past failures, present failures or future failures, which He did not carry away on that cross. He really has set each of us free! {/tweetme}
When we admit we can’t live life by our own volition —we are met by an overwhelming storm of God’s grace. It is in our desperation that He saves us. It is out of darkness that He disciples us. And it is in this grace that we find freedom.