Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.  1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 NASB

Wow, we really need these verses from the Lord - what a whirlwind  people have been navigating through! My friends ! Speak the name of Jesus! Praise God, worship His holy name! 

Diligently read and study the Bible, read read read the Gospels - Books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the powerful simplicity of Jesus’ teachings continue to be transformative, whether we’ve read them hundreds of times or just once, and then sit down with Holy Spirit and pray as Jesus taught us to pray! A prayer so strikingly beautiful that we are invited into personal, relational conversation with God. Amazing grace! My friends, may the following notes lead us to pray simple, expectant prayers EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Matthew 6:9-13 NASB Pray, then, in this way: Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. 

None of Jesus’ words were careless and this is particularly true of the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer turned the world upside down. 

The prayer of Jesus is hopeful, expecting the kingdom of God to come in fullness with Christ on the throne. This prayer is compassionate, teaching us to call on God and depend on Him. This prayer is reverent. This prayer is good news, reminding each of us that God forgives sin and delivers us from the powers of darkness - let’s pray through the verses in Matthew 6:9-13 together 

- Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 

God, we praise You, for You are holy holy holy, Lord Almighty. We are thankful for Your mercy, that we can always trust in Your goodness and compassion. You are sovereign, Lord. We declare the power of Your holy name over the nations.

- Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Jesus, we pray for the ways of Your kingdom to prevail in the world around us. Help Your people Lord, to be ambassadors for Your kingdom, to be doers of Your will on earth as it is in heaven. In the face of fear, may we be Your people of courage. In the face of uncertainty, may we remain steadfast in faith. 

- Give us each day our daily bread.

God, thank You for providing for us. For those  who face economic uncertainty, we pray for provision. Help us to trust You, our God Who Provides. Out of that trust, may we learn to look beyond ourselves to the needs of others. When we have much, open our eyes to how we can share with those in need.

- And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  

Holy Spirit we thank You for Your presence, and ask You to give us eyes to see our brothers and sisters as You see them, with Your love, compassion, teach us to forgive seventy times seven. 

- And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 

God, please teach us the wisdom to walk away when tempted, and the clarity to see the way out that You will provide. Thank You, Lord, that You are our deliverer and that by faith we trust 

- For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.  

The power of Holy Spirit is given to all believers of Jesus Christ and His resurrection in order to empower His church in proclaiming the Kingdom of God on earth.  If we believe that we have received salvation from God, this is the time for us to rise up, seek and serve God and our neighbour passionately. 

And that passion for God’s people comes from within, once we receive Jesus Christ as Lord and King over our life, Holy Spirit reigns within us, our lives will be on fire for the glory of God and though we are sifted, strained, shattered Jesus holds us together when we by faith remain with Him - and yes we trip but turn back to Him the way the truth the life, His arms are open wide!  

Hallelujah! With the name of Jesus, God reminds us that He wants to be with us in each of our tribulations, celebrations, decisions, and more, yes My friends,  He’s ready to guide us on the narrow path that He has prepared for His people.