My soul waits in silence for God only; From Him is my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken.  Psalms 62:1-2 NASB

My soul Waits in silence. That’s like quiet faith isn’t it. 

Today, right here and now, Jesus is speaking words of calm, hope - literally pouring His peace over whatever we are facing. Oh my friends! Believe Him - with the child like faith He teaches…. 

The Faith that Jesus offers is something that the world cannot give or take away.  The Faith Jesus offers defies circumstances, it is beyond our human logic..... how is that even possible? how can we have faith in God amidst a world full of chaos? but we can have it: because of Jesus Christ. 

He speaks one word and calms the winds and waves — and He can do the same thing with our heart full of anger, fear, anxiety, and depression. 

When we are focused on Jesus, our minds will be fixed on Him because Faith is found in trusting the One who controls all the things and The more we meditate on: 

His immense Holiness.

His Great Power.

His Eternal Glory.

His Infinite Wisdom. 

His Perfect Righteousness.

And His sacrifice for each and every one of us, we will always remain sheltered by faith. 

So I challenge us each to literally surrender the obstacles - the tragedies -  the circumstances to God - choose to trust God with the muck - that is the action part of faith where we honestly give it all to Him and by Faith know the outcome is God’s will, that He is peace is present in the midst. 

Take time throughout the day, pray, ask Holy Spirit to provide a type of a faith that people would be confused by when they know the situation you are navigating. By quiet faith we don’t mean “faith unshared or faith withheld from the sight of others” we mean a stoic solid unwavering faith. 

Christ reaches for us “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NASB)

Holy Spirit invites us to sit with Him, yet we allow the seemingly urgent things of the world,…. Food, shelter, jobs, opinions, social media account traffic, a new house in the “right” neighbourhood … to squeeze out the most important piece of our lives, Jesus Christ. 

Our faith requires quiet moments of prayer and reflection on the ways of Jesus Christ, of seeking God through the confusion, it is so so necessary to our faith that we make time each day to join Holy Spirit in the reading of His living Word, and faith is further fuelled by singing worship and praise to our Lord most high!

When we acknowledge and receive Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we truly become ourselves as His people, as God created us to be - redeemed as a son or daughter of God, by faith in Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.  And then by Faith we get to receive the great commission to go forth and spread the Gospel the Good News!