Your word is a lamp to walk by, and a light to illumine my path.  Psalms 119:105 NET

This is our call! I feel it. You feel it. The Lord’s call to carry the light of Jesus Christ, pouring it out into the murky world around us. God made us this way.  To embrace the will of God and the teachings of Jesus that call us from slumber to action. When He created each individual, He knew we would have to be strong as our moral values as they are being threatened subtly and violently, decade after decade.

{tweetme}Our role is to serve and protect the kingdom, our relationships, and the quality of life of our families, friends, churches and communities. We will not be complete until we understand and experience the purpose that comes from fulfilling the role that God intended for us.{/tweetme}

It is ok to have uncertainties about the lantern we are to carry.  Ask God for the power and courage to fulfill His plans. Please do not settle! The Lord intends for us to protect and serve what He has given us to protect and serve, our families will thank us, His churches will be grateful, and the community we live in will see the light that God intended to shine