The LORD is your protector; the LORD is the shade at your right hand. The sun will not harm you by day, or the moon by night. The LORD will protect you from all harm; He will protect your life. The LORD will protect you in all you do, now and forevermore.  Psalms 121:5-8 NET

We can have confidence that our God is just, that He is present whether or not we recognize it, He wants to respond on our behalf. We can have confidence that we serve our Heavenly Father who is grace and perfect and longs to give good gifts to His children. 

I know circumstances are unfair at times, but be assured that God will not let sin or injustice have a foothold. We might not see the results of how He acts on our behalf but know that He will. It’s in His character to be just and stand for righteousness.  {tweetme}He is our protector, our rescuer. {/tweetme} There’s a battle, and it’s for our hearts, our lives, our families and our values. This battle IS for everything and the devil plays for keeps.  Our focus is being diverted and we are sleeping on the job, so to speak.  Turn to Jesus. Perhaps there will be times He seems far off but we must take heart.  There is purpose in everything God does. No experience, emotion, or trial goes wasted. He is working good on our behalf. When we do feel alone, however, carry the promise that God is with us, before us and behind us. A “shade at our right hand” and He is working, even if we can’t see Him.