First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanks be offered on behalf of all people. 1 Timothy 2:1 NET

What a gift our mighty God has given us! The conversation of prayer. We can speak to Him, freely, honestly, because we are chosen and beloved from the moment we take our first breath.  I know we look for outward signs that we are qualified to follow God, but Jesus, teaching us to pray, shatters that preconceived idea. He doesn’t wait for us to clean ourselves up, He finds us where we are and calls us to follow Him. No job application or qualifications needed. It’s grace. 

And Jesus’ message was grace. It was and is salvation for all who believe in Him. It is mercy and compassion and forgiveness for all who would put their faith in Him. {tweetme}Jesus is the personification and the embodiment of grace. In other words, Jesus Himself was and is the message. The Gospel. He is the purpose and the point. {/tweetme}The message isn’t mere doctrine. It isn’t behavioural change. The message is that no matter who you are or how badly you’ve messed up, grace and forgiveness are available in and through Jesus Christ. That’s why Jesus came to earth in physical, tangible, human form. He came not to just tell us about grace but to literally be grace. His life was His message, and His message gives life. The more we follow Jesus, and follow His ways of prayer, mercy, forgiveness, the more we find our lives defined and transformed by the love and grace of God